Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everybody!!!  We had a special breakfast this morning where Paul, Samantha, Becky, me, mom, and dad were all supposed to eat together, but everyone was late :(  So, me, mom, and dad got to enjoy the yummy breakfast together instead :)

Our family doesn’t really do Christmas, we don’t exchange gifts and stuff like that so today was just like any other day really.  I made the special breakfast and chicken and dumplings for dinner.  Tomorrow Paul, Samantha, and Becky are coming out again, this time for dinner, Lasagna :)

I have been playing with the site today, trying out new themes and I found one that I think I like.  The only problem is I couldn’t get the links to work so I reverted back to this one.  I will eventually find the one I like, just gonna take time and lots of playing with themes.

I had planned on doing a vlog of me making breakfast, but I just didn’t have the guts to do it.  I don’t understand what my problem is, just do it already :)  Maybe tomorrow I will actually do it.

Alright, gonna get back to trying out themes, bye!!

The Day There Was So Much Chocolate :)

So, tomorrow I am sending a friend of mine a bunch of chocolate for being such a great person.  What had happened was we were talking about bacon and I made the super bold statement that bacon does not belong on anything but rather should be eaten all by its self.  He, like most people I have this conversation strongly disagreed and proceeded to tell me how it pretty much belongs on everything – typical response :)

But I did have to give in on bacon and chocolate.  I do like bacon chocolate and it most certainly does belong as a thing, a thing I love.  He on the other hand, Mr. Bacon himself, had never had chocolate bacon!  Can you believe the ridiculousness of that?!

I called the local chocolatier, Peterbrooke and ordered 3 dozen chocolate covered bacon, half for him and half for everyone here.  I also grabbed up a bunch of small chocolate pieces because they have great chocolate in any form and also the two best things they have: mint Oreos covered in dark chocolate and chocolate bar with sea salt.   AMAZING!!!!

Like I said, I am mailing it tomorrow in hopes he gets it Christmas Eve and it isn’t all melted together.  I am not sure if sending to his house is even eligible for next day – I guess I will find out tomorrow.  If not I may have to just wait to send it and hope that he doesn’t read this or I don’t just blab :)

Alright, I am going to wrap this up because I really wanted to get started on the year review – or whatever I am going to end up calling it.

Some chocolate with sea salt from Peterbrooke Chocolatier :)
Some chocolate with sea salt from Peterbrooke Chocolatier :)



Eddie Izzard – How Could I Forget?!

I can not believe I didn’t blog about this show!!  Paul and I went to see Eddie Izzard on December 3, 2015 at the Florida Theatre and it was AMAZING!!

We had a hell of a time getting in – the Ticketmaster app was not playing nice, but the show itself was great.  I was so worried because the last time I saw a comedian he wasn’t that funny, but not this time.  Some of the material was old, stuff I have seen on his specials, but for the most part it was all very typical Eddie.  We had great seats and could not have asked for anything more :)

On our way in we ran into Tom and Alexis and her bother and sister.  It was totally appropriate seeing him there and I really enjoyed the little bit of catching up we got to do.  I miss them a ton.

Eddie Izzard ticket stub
Eddie Izzard ticket stub

Silver Medallion – Finally!!!!

While I was on this last trip I finally made silver medallion status again on Delta.  I feel like it took forever this time, I should have done a little bit more to not lose it last year and I would not have been suffering all year :) Actually it wasn’t that bad.  I got first class a ton the last couple months of my status.

I can’t believe that I forgot to blog about this when it happened, but I was still going a little bananas over how amazing a time I was having in WV.  I had to pay a ton to check my back on the first flight, but not the rest of the flights so that was nice.

Status – that’s what it’s all about!!!!


Blogging is Hard :)

So I am not good at blogging – I admit, but I am trying to get better.  I got all my travel ones done while I was on the trips which is nice.  I also seem to not want to blog when I am doing a specific page like that too.

I have been having a great time lately which is so much needed.  I am a little concerned about getting back to real life, but I have learned a lot about myself and about people and what I should accept from relationships – that includes friendships.

I have always really held back when it comes to meeting people, but I have decided to try not to do that anymore – again, this is friends probably more than romantic type relationships.  I have made a couple new friends recently through work and other places and I am experiencing all new things because of it.  I have a new friend who lives far away and it is just so free and fun.  There is no pressure because I am not able to hang out with them or anything.  I just want to get to know them.  I want to have more friends more people to share my life with.  There is a possibility that things will be hard for me in the future with relationships like this,  but I am never one to hold back on feelings and I am just happy to even be having this kind of feeling again.  I was really worried that I was going to be broken forever.

I just wanna feel like I am living :)

My Dad is 85!!!

Oh my gosh I can not believe it but my dad is now 85!!!  He has had such an amazing life, or lives is what I like to think.  He had multiple adopted families along the way which is why I like to think he has lived several lives.  I am so lucky that he has been so active and with me for so much of my life.  He is the man I love the absolute most and always will.  I am afraid no man will ever compare – and that sir is the sign that you are a great father!

I love you dad and happy happy birthday!

Dad's 85 - Couldn't get the camera to take the pic and he got tired of smiling :)
Dad’s 85 – Couldn’t get the camera to take the pic and he got tired of smiling :)
Dad's 85 - And finally I got it to work :)
Dad’s 85 – And finally I got it to work :)
Dad's 85 - My favorite part of this is my mom's "smile" hands :)
Dad’s 85 – My favorite part of this is my mom’s “smile” hands :)

Trips, Trips, Trips

I have a ton of trips coming up, which I will be blogging while I am away :) but the point is that I am so happy to be starting to get back to normal.  Traveling was pretty much a huge part of my life a couple years ago and I can use some normalcy in my life right now.

My very next trip is only to Atlanta, but I am still very happy to be going.  I will be seeing some people who I like very much there and that is always good.

I put all the trips blogs here if you are interested :)

What a Railroading Week

This week was a big one for work.  We had so many people from all over the company down here in Jacksonville to do some training.  They were a really good group of people and I think that it all went really well.

We went to dinner one night, but I wasn’t able to really stay because I had a hair appointment which I was a little disappointed about, but you know how them hair appointments go – I LOVE THEM!!!!

Then last night we went to the HQ building and that actually turned out really great because 3 very important people in the signaling world were still there for the day and talked with the group for a good hour.  It was just really good timing, I was very happy.

After that we went to the landing to eat some dinner and then it got really fun!!  I had a bit too much to drink and was just laughing like I was a crazy person and having a great time.  It has been a long time since I had done that and it was much needed.  Like I said earlier, these were a great group of people and I couldn’t ask for better treatment from people who you just met (most of them I had just met this week).  They really took care of me, or maybe a better way to put it is watched out for me to make sure I was having a good time and staying out of harms way.

I wish I had taken like 1 picture to capture the moment, but to be honest I was really living in the moment – which is what we are supposed to do, right?

Great week overall and it has been a while since I could say that phrase!

Our Newest Family Member

Today we welcomed a new family member, Penny Dog!


She is pretty stinking sweet.  I love her already.  I think she is coming to us at a perfect time – for me at least.

I am headed to bed now so more later :)

Thankful for Friends

I spent the weekend with the Tarmas’ and it was very special.  They just allowed me to be in their home and just showed me love and reassured me that they were my friends through all the hard times – just like I would be for them.

My friend Deanna has been very helpful too.  Without her I would have never sought professional help.  She is a wonderful person who I love very much just like the Tarmas’ (all of them).

I have still been very tired – not getting much rest but spending much time in bed.  I think I may ask my doctor for some Ambient or something that will allow me to sleep for more than 4 hours at a time.

Also, on a good note, we are getting a dog tomorrow.  My mom is getting it from a friend and I am very happy.  Dogs are very therapeutic and I think it will help me feel a bit better.

Alright, I am going to get some sleep now, try to be more interesting another day.