Day 37 – The Day That was Hot by Glue

Today I did manage to get some of the things on my list done.  I got the box spring out from my bed.  It is definitely low enough now, I am slightly worried it is too low.  Will find out tonight I suppose :)

I have got to run to the office, going to see if one of the boys wants to come with me now.

Will add tons of pictures from today :)

Just got back from the office where I had 2 things to do, get my new watchband and change my password.  Well, the internet was down so no password changing for me :(

When we got back, Carlos went with me, we walked over to make sure that my storage shed had room in it for my old bed and dresser.  There is room which is great.

I will work very hard this week to get my stuff cleared off so that I can move that stuff to the shed.  The weather is just so bad right now I really don’t want to do it.

Oh, forgot that when we went to the office there was a new tennis ball in the parking lot – so that means Nickel has a new tennis ball :)  It has caused quite the uproar in the Spicer house, everyone wants the new ball :)

Nickel so sweet sleeping on the bed :)
Nickel so sweet sleeping on the bed :)
Same time, but Dime sleeping so sweetly :)
Same time, but Dime sleeping so sweetly :)
Penny still moves too fast for the camera!
Penny still moves too fast for the camera!
Took the box spring out - looks much better! I may have gone crazy with pillows, but oh well :)
Took the box spring out – looks much better! I may have gone crazy with pillows, but oh well :)
Even these dogs can not stand for plants to be in the flower bed! These are sharp leaves, I am not sure how they can stand it.
Even these dogs can not stand for plants to be in the flower bed! These are sharp leaves, I am not sure how they can stand it.
My new white watch band - I am such a pimp!!
My new white watch band – I am such a pimp!!

Day 36 – The Day the Sun Came Out

Yesterday was so crappy weather wise, it was raining all day and turned very very cold!!

So far I have done a very little bit of work, but did manage to get my invoice done and taxes as well!

There are a couple things I want to get done today:

  1. Finish cutting my placemats to fit in my crates.
  2. Go get my watch band from the office – where I accidently sent it :(
  3. Go to the grocery store to get stuff to make breakfast tomorrow for the boys.  Oh and toothpaste :)
  4. Move the box spring off my bed.
  5. Clean up stuff to be able to move things out of my room and get a little bit more organized – it’s been long enough!!

I think that’s it for now.  Will try very hard to add more later :)


  1. DONE!!!!
  2. not done :(
  3. not done :(
  4. not done :(
  5. not done :(

Well, didn’t really get as much accomplished as I had hoped, but my last new carpet came and I did struggle getting that put in place for about an hour and my new little pillows came as well :)  Tomorrow I will have to finish all the other tasks :)

We had Panda Express for dinner, but I hate to say that I am about to go back to eating a lot better – I have had a fun couple months not caring, but now it is starting to get to be too much!    OK, I am gonna get to bed early cause of reasons :)

Day 35 – The Day I Built a Bed

MY NEW BED CAME TODAY!!!!!  I am so excited :)  I was supposed to wait until Saturday and have the help of Paul and Carlos, but I could not wait and did it myself!!  Mom and dad helped a little bit, but really it wasn’t that bad as far as putting it together.  I was also very impressed with the quality.  I am so very happy!!!

I still have a lot to do to clean the room up, but that should be much easier when I can get my crates up :)

Alright, I worked a good bit today, had a call first thing.  We had pizza for dinner because it was so crappy out that I didn’t feel like going out to Panda :(   Gosh, what a horrible blog :)

Penny was NOT supposed to be up here, but oh well. This is my new duvet - I need help in getting the insert correct, but I think it looks pretty :)
Penny was NOT supposed to be up here, but oh well. This is my new duvet – I need help in getting the insert correct, but I think it looks pretty :)
So, the bed is super high still. I think I am going to take the box spring off. The frame doesn't need a box spring so all should be fine.
So, the bed is super high still. I think I am going to take the box spring off. The frame doesn’t need a box spring so all should be fine.
Just trying to show the side of the bed.
Just trying to show the side of the bed.
Showing the color contrast to the new rugs. I think it looks great!
Showing the color contrast to the new rugs. I think it looks great!

Day 34 – A Day In-Diana

I have been at the airport in Evansville Indiana for about 5 hours now.  I can assure you that it is about 5 hours too long!!!!  In reality it could be worse.  They have free wifi and a really nice sitting area –  I have been lounging on the couch type thing for a couple hours now.  I just am anxious to get home.  I am starting to feel a headache coming on and my nose hurts a bit.  I can tell the flight from ATL to JAX is going to be a hard one.  Thankfully it is short.

I spent the morning lounging around the hotel and helping a couple people on the phone and then dove the hour to the airport and helped a couple more people and now am doing this :)

I have slept pretty good the last couple of days and I sure hope that continues.

I really have nothing worth noting today, not that I normally do :)

It got pretty cold here today, the wind was just non stop.  I really think if the wind had died down it would have been a little bit nicer.

Alright, going to pack up the laptop and just relax!!

Day 33 – The Darkest Day

It is so yucky weather wise today!  It is so dark out I thought it was closer to dinner time, but no it’s only 15:30!!  I just looked at my phone and see we have a tornado warning!  Amazing – just what everyone needs I am sure.

I worked in the hotel today and went out to Applebee’s for lunch with the test engineer Ricardo.  He is very nice and we talked about a lot of work type things and it was good.  He ended up being the last person to leave the meeting today and I helped him with a bunch of stuff in the program so that was a great session.

The person who I was helping a lot yesterday from Maintenance came over this morning and brought me muffins!  It was so nice and no one had done that for me before so I was very happy!  I ate one that was like apple pie style and then saved blueberry one for tomorrow.  The hotel here actually has very good muffins itself, but I am sure this one is very good too.

I had so many packages come in the last couple days it is going to be too much when I get home :)  My new bed will be here Thursday so I will be spending the weekend putting that together and moving stuff all around.

Alright, I am going to snack on the rest of my lunch and just veg.  Maybe I will get sleepy and be able to fall asleep here soon and get lots more sleep!!!

Day 32 – The Day of Railroad

So today we were at the cutover and it was so very cold!!!  We stood at this crossing waiting to do our part for so long I was getting so very cold so I sat in the truck most of the time but at least I was able to get some other work done.  Once we finished with that crossing I was dropped off at the yard office to help a couple of the maintenance people with their stuff.  We got lots accomplished, so even though I missed a lot of cutover stuff we still got a lot done.

We had pizza for lunch which makes 3 meals in a row of pizza for me – I think I am officially pizza-ed out :)

I am back at the hotel now and am going to try to get some good sleep.  I feel very tired so I am going to pounce on that :)

Day 31 – The Day of Mistakes…

It has been one of those days today!!!

  1. First off this morning, I set my alarm to be up at 04:45 to make my flight and I get awaken by the puppy and not the alarm.  Turns out I set the alarm for a weekday!
  2. I forgot to give Nickel his pain meds.
  3. I forgot that I was checking 2 bags and not 1.
  4. I made hotel reservations for not enough nights.
  5. I made car reservations for not enough days.
  6. I forgot that I  checked 2 bags (again) until I was half way to my hotel – so 30 minutes away.
  7. I almost killed myself in the elevator, they mopped and left it soaking wet.
  8. I just spilled an entire drink.

Now I am sitting in bed because this day has been too much!!

On the plus side, I wasn’t late to the airport and I had an amazing blue berry muffin and when we landed in Atlanta, it had to be the softest landing I have ever experienced.  Then in Atlanta I got my Starbucks and I had me another amazing blueberry muffin – I think better than the first but really only because she heated it up!!  It was so yummy :)

I got a nice rental car, very little miles and was very clean :)  I just finished up me some pizza and it was yummy so all in all it has balanced out I would say :)

Well, like I said I am going to just relax for a bit, try to catch a nap and stay safe :)

Day 30 – The Day of Dressers

So my new dresser is supposed to come today and also I have an appointment with the hair dresser :)

Paul is here today helping with replacing the dishwasher and going to take the garbage and me with this dresser.  I am so grateful that he and Carlos both come out.  It really does help tremendously.

I am leaving out tomorrow morning very early to go to another cutover with my job.  I like it, but I am not looking forward to traveling so early :)  I have to do laundry today too – ugh!!!

Well, the dresser is built and it looks great!  We put casters under it so that I can easily move it around to clean and stuff.  I am so very pleased with how it turned out.

Sorry so short, got lots to do!!

The new dresser, made by South Shore.  I got it on Amazon, but Home Depot has it as well.
The new dresser, made by South Shore. I got it on Amazon, but Home Depot has it as well.
My new ring!!  I love it and it was very inexpensive from Littman's!!
My new ring!! I love it and it was very inexpensive from Littman’s!!

Day 29 – A Day of Pandas

What was for lunch you ask???   That’s right, Panda Express :) :) :)  It was yummy!

I got a great picture of the puppies today looking out the window, they are so stinking cute!!

I should be getting my new dresser today, but it hasn’t come just yet.  I am also thinking about ordering the stuff I need to replace the bookshelf and then put a crate up in the bathroom so I can get rid of the stupid cabinet I have.  That was supposed to be temporary when we first moved in…

I took the puppies out a little bit ago and Nickel is eating a dried up mushed frog.  I hate frogs so he is no longer allowed in the house – just kidding, but it is very gross :)

I am really really really gonna try to take a nap right now.  My sleep has been so incredibly bad that I need to start to get some sleep whenever I can.

Update: No napping for me :(  Oh well, we can still go on.

I was looking on Amazon last night and I think I might get a wall sticker – the ones that have like quotes or something on it.  I like a couple so I am gonna start to think about that.  The bookshelf came and I opened the box, gonna try to get it built tomorrow before I have to leave.  Should be an excitingly packed day tomorrow :)

Nickel and Dime are imitating their favorite comic strip by being the evil Corgi :)
Nickel and Dime are imitating their favorite comic strip by being the evil Corgi :)

Day 28 – The Day The Dog Went For a Ride

Today is the day we have been waiting for!!  Nickel is getting neutered :)  We are really hoping that he will calm down a little bit with the other dogs.

Well, it was much harder for me to leave him at the vet :(  It was like dropping off a kid to daycare for the first time!  He was so scared and just so sad I almost cried.

I got a lot done today for work which was good and I also did some work on my room.  I got to talk to my two favorite coworkers (and friends) today!!!  I always love hearing from them and being able to help them with what they are doing.  I got to use my drill and I just love it :)

HE SURVIVED!!!!!  He was so so so happy to see us and I was so happy to see him!  He has not slowed down in the slightest since he got home.  The girls seemed to have missed him, well at least when he first got home :)  I chatting with a friend and he was like running into my door playing with a tennis ball.  I am going to try to add the video here, because I have yet to actually do any of the videos that I kinda wanted to start doing.  The vet said, no running, no jumping, and only on a leash outside…  Needless to say that didn’t happen for more than 20 seconds :)  He seems to be doing great.

I ordered some more stuff for my room tonight.  I got a couple rugs because these puppies are brining in just way too much sand.  I also ordered some hooks to use in my wire management project.  I am going to wrap the extra bits around those and hopefully that will look a bit neater than just coiling them up on the ground.  I also got some fabric that I am going to use in the crates to provide a “flat” surface.  I actually found something I liked better, but apparently it was too late to cancel this order so I will see how it does and either scrap it or it will work :)