Day 47 – The Day a Penny Ran Away (From Me)

That Penny dog – she is such a BRAT!!!!  She got out of the fence and then when I finally found her she continued to stroll away from me.  Finally I just left her booty since it was so close to dinner time.  I figured she would come home soon and she did!

Today started my web demos at work and it went pretty well.  Didn’t have the participation I thought I would, but I think it is because of when the invites went out.  I am not going to worry too much about it, unless tomorrow is low too :)

I ordered some more crates to finish the wall.  I am hoping that they come before the weekend and I can actually get the other ones I need from the store, not just online like the ones I ordered today.

Alright, I am going to get ready for bed.  I was, and still am, yawning all day!!!

The HUGE train my mom got me. It is very nice and very big :)
The HUGE train my mom got me. It is very nice and very big :)








Day 46 – It’s Like Groundhog Day but Really it is President’s Day

I say this because the dogs, or more accurately Dime, is on a very specific schedule all of the sudden.  She must go outside at about 03:00 and then again at 06:30.  Nickel was more than happy to do it the first couple time, but now it is a real struggle to get him to go out.  It is just so funny how these dogs, every dog really, have their own special quarks!!

Now to get the day started :)

I got so much accomplished today.  I cleaned out my dresser, moved it out of my room, and stored the drawers and mirror in the shed.  The dresser itself was just too much with just me and my dad :)

Well, that really was just about it – enjoy the pictures :)

Yes, almost forgot, mom got me a huge train figure sculpture thing.  Will take a picture tomorrow :)

Before - way before!!
Before – way before!!
Look at how fancy that ish is!!!
Look at how fancy that ish is!!!
Part 1 of this wall complete!!
Part 1 of this wall complete!!
Nickel just loves his new place :)
Nickel just loves his new place :)

Day 45 – Valentine’s Day

It should be Laundry Day cause it’s always laundry day on Sunday :)  I MUST finish cleaning my room today, gotta clean that bathroom – how appropriate for today :)

Oh man I totally forgot to post a picture of what my mom got me yesterday from Kohl’s.  It is so cute :)  I have to make some minor modifications to it before I can post the picture :)

Didn’t realize I never came back to post the picture of the new dog :)

Nickel and Dime watching mom leave :)
Nickel and Dime watching mom leave :)
This is the only kind of Quarter Dog we will have!!
This is the only kind of Quarter Dog we will have!!

Day 44 – The Full House Day

EVERYBODY is here today except Carlos!!!  It is basically a full house, 3 dogs and 6 humans – WOW!!

I got so much done with my room today!  I am very happy.  I will take some pictures a little later to add to here.  I am going to do a couple more things and then I am done for the day!

I have my dresser cleaned out completely and also the nightstand.  So that is great progress.   I also did some stuff to the website, I did a family calendar so that we could put things on it, well mostly me :)

I still have some stuff to order, gonna get 2 more rugs to go around the bed and under the dresser and bench.

The dogs were a little crazy today, I know how is that different, well I guess it isn’t really :)  Paul brought Peterbrook chocolate and that was awesome!!  Alright, back at it!!

I think this wall is basically done :) Need to figure out pain and that is it :)
I think this wall is basically done :) Need to figure out plan and that is it :)
Because - All you need is love, love is all you need!!!!
Because – All you need is love, love is all you need!!!!
The new curtains, dresser, and bench :)
The new curtains, dresser, and bench :)
Nickel loves his new bench :)
Nickel loves his new bench :)
The new nightstand!! Thanks to Paul for helping, as always!!!!
The new nightstand!! Thanks to Paul for helping, as always!!!!
That's RIGHT!!!!
That’s RIGHT!!!!

Day 43 – A Day Before Valentine’s Day That Was Valentine’s Day

Had to go downtown today for a couple meetings, but it was all very productive.  I even got a great parking spot :)

On my way home I had to stop to find something for my mother for Valentine’s Day.  My dad gave me $100 to spend on her and I did it with pennies change!!!  I got her a bunch of Lego figures and a Panera gift card, oh and a card of course.

I got my last big package that I had ordered for my room, a storage bench.  I can’t put it where it goes yet, but like I have been saying all week I hope to have that pretty well sorted this weekend.

I also must get to reading these books on training the dogs.  The longer I wait the harder it is going to be – I know this!!

I got my mom’s stuff at Target and it has been a while since I really just walked through there.  They have a lot of good stuff.  It is a little expensive, but they have always had some cool accessories for the home.  I was very impressed.

Dinner was chicken wings from Publix – can’t have much better of a day than that :)  Goodnight :)

Day 42 – A Day in Downtown Middleburg

Well, not really a day, I just had to run to the post office to mail something I forgot to put in the box :)  I did take a picture though, oh how it has changed.

Nothing too crazy to report today.  We did get our new curtains today, but haven’t put them up.  Oh yeah, mom dropped an entire container of sequin type things – all over her room and Nickel did try to help by picking 1 up :)  He ran like the wind, but we did get it back.

Also, related to the dogs, I tried to brush them a little because they do shed a lot and Nickel was having none of it.  He needed that brush though, that was a great prize :)  He also gave that back after a little playing :)

Certainly didn’t get as much done today as I should have.  I did make dinner, made dinner all week really so that was good :)

Downtown Middleburg y'all!
Downtown Middleburg y’all!

Day 41 – The Day of the Doctor

I went downtown again today for a meeting but did leave early because I had a doctors appointment.  I told him that I was obsessing with my bad habits and he changed some of my medicine and also gave me something different that should help me sleep a little bit :)  Makes me very happy!!!

I got some goodies in the mail today!!  I got the monitor stand that I am going to make into a nightstand that is mounted to the wall and I think it is going to be great :)

I also got me some new little trash cans and also a new desk mat.  I think that this is going to work out well on the new desk and I don’t think I will get a glass top like I thought I was going to do :)

I came home today and noticed that it looked like the dogs had been laying on my pillows instead of their blanket, then I saw this:

She just jumped right on up there confirming my suspicions!!!
She just jumped right on up there confirming my suspicions!!!
Yep, she is almost sleeping now!
Yep, she is almost sleeping now!


Day 40 – The Day of the Dogs and Beans

I went downtown today for some meetings and found out that the parking garage that I use is no longer taking daily parkers.  WHAT?!  I did manage to get a spot in the lot though that ended up being a great spot.  It is on the side of the building and the wind was so strong it was pushing my legs out from under me.

I got some books today on how to train the blue heelers – I am excited to see what this has to offer on helping us get them under a little bit of control :)  They aren’t horrible, potty training is proving a little difficult and also trying to get them not to continuously bark in the house.

I also made my next trip arrangements, just to Atlanta for the day but it is at the end of March.  I am sure that I am going to be going out before that, but it is confirmed.

I almost forgot to explain the title :)  We had beanie weenies for dinner and it was AMAZING :)

I also got my little elephant ring holder – I like it so much :)

My new elephant ring holder :)
My new elephant ring holder :)


Day 39 – Grocery Day

Finally made it to the grocery store today.  Should have gone several days ago, but better late than never I suppose :)  I think I got enough to make dinner all this week.  Tonight is Yummy Spanish Rice with Kielbasa and Shrimp :)  I will link it to a recipe as soon as I write one and after I make it I will remember to take a picture!!

Going to get the rest of the clothes out of the other dresser so that it can be moved maybe next weekend.  I also think that I am going to get rid of the dog crate.  I don’t think Nickel has been in it in a while and maybe I will put the bed that is in it under my desk in case they need a somewhat hiding place.  It should be pretty easy since the whole goal of all this redecorating is to get everything off the floor that I possibly can.  Or to have no open space under it at least.  I just got an idea to put a curtain around the bigger batch of crates to keep the dust down.  I will have to see what it looks like on the shelf.  Maybe I can have it almost like a window and just down when I feel like covering up the stuff.

Dinner was great, I did add a picture to the recipe on the website.

Mom was just talking to the dog explaining that they were her tissues and not theirs…  It is pretty entertaining how we interact with these puppies!!!

Alright, I am going to get ready for bed and try to get tired enough to fall asleep before like 01:00!!

Day 38 – The Day of the Missing Sock

I never and I mean never lose socks in the laundry.  Well, today I did, but really I thought I might have left it at the last hotel I was in.  I thought I counted them but started to doubt myself.  Then when I finished my second load of clothes – SOCK!!!!  You have no idea how happy I was just finding that one sock.  Amazing :)

The dogs were so bad today.  I don’t know what gets into them, they were in and out all morning – like when it was still dark out.  Then they proceeded to bark in the house all the time.  They were just being out of control.  I didn’t get much sleep because of it so I am hoping to get to bed at a decent hour this evening to make up for it.

I tried to get video of Nickel playing with his ball.  He shakes it so violently it is so funny!!

I started moving my clothes over to the new dresser.  It is harder for me than I thought because I am so used to things being in specific drawers but this dresser has the drawers stacked and the other one is side by side.  It also doesn’t help that this one is a bit smaller than the other one, but I thought I would put things like my sweaters in the crates I got.  Hope that it looks OK :)