Day 77 – The Crazy Dog Day

Alright, these dogs are not only crazy themselves, but they are making us crazy too.  Nickel got a hold of a pen this evening and got ink all over the place!  Also I got a glimpse of what my mother does with these crazy beasts when it is dinner time.  They think that the food in the bag is treats when it is in the bag, but won’t eat it hardly at all while it is in their bowls.  So when it gets to low in the bin my mom grabs handfuls of the food and puts on the ground and they think it is treats :)  Nickel was being so bad I decided to give him a rawhide and the first thing he does is bury it in the bed.  Just great :)

Well, I have already taken all my medicine for the evening and it all makes me drowsy so Ia m going to head to bed.  I promise to be better at the blogging soon!  I have so much on my mind with what I want to do that I can’t focus enough on actually doing it – hard times :)

Day 76 – The Fence Day

This morning at like 03:30 apparently some drunk person ran through our fence…  I hate that.  We do the work to get it up and keep it up and then someone ruins it.

I got my computers all hooked up to all the monitors, except 1 because I am waiting on the cable.  It isn’t exactly as easy as I thought, but it is working for the most part.

I also got several of my boxes from Home Depot :) Most of it is for the kitchen.  We are gonna replace this crappy bookcase with the crates because I believe it is gonna be much neater.

I was also all set to take my new go pro to the office to share and promptly just left it on my desk – AMAZING :)  So anyway, I will for sure remember it tomorrow.

I was trying very hard to do another picture project.  I wanted to like have a theme for each day or maybe each week or something to kinda make it a challenge to get the pics, otherwise I will take pictures of the dogs all the time and I don’t really wanna do it.  I tried this a couple years ago, just take a picture a day – couldn’t do it.  It got very boring quickly.  Anyway, will work on that.

Paul, Carlos, and I are supposed to go see Biltmore House next month.  I have been really wanting to see it for such a long time and Paul has already seen it.  I am so so so excited.  I am not sure if we will actually make it in April because my sister is getting married the next weekend.  Not sure if it will work out but I should know soon.

Alright, I am gonna open all these boxes and put some stuffs up :)

A look from the road, crazy people
A look from the road, crazy people
Metal post that actually broke off on their vehicle.
Metal post that actually broke off on their vehicle.
So much damage.
So much damage.
Another ditection.
Another direction.

Day 75 – The Longest TuesDay

I have been home for a little bit now and i am exhausted again.  I just took my new meds so I am paying very close attention to how I feel to make sure that I don’t feel sick again.  I just made me a sandwich yummy yummy!!

Had a bunch of meetings today and now that I am home I got me a package that I was excited for.  I got my GoPro Hero4 and also a new backpack and adapter.  I am very close to being able to hook up all the computers to all the monitors.  Might not sound too important, but it will be more productive.

The dogs were very crazy last night.  The little girl is not sleeping as long as the boy.  She is really wanting to go out and play and of course no one wants to play at like 03:00….

Let me say this – it was 98 degrees in the shade this evening and that is just crazy!

I ordered me some Home Depot stuff and also some Amazon stuff – nothing super amazing, but I always like getting my stuffs.

I am actually about to goto bed again.  At least lay down for a bit.  All the meds I take right now have the warning label about making you drowsy.

Day 74 – The Early Day

I had some new medicine to take today and it made me extremely tired and then I got a bad headache so I am going to go to be early.  We had yummy beanie weenies tonight so I am not sure why I don’t feel well.

I had a good day at work with the slight exception that I lost my work badge along with my company credit card.  I lost it and realized it like maybe 5 minutes later and it was gone.  We passed like 4 people, but it was pretty windy so there is a possibly that it went into the river.  No worries though I cancelled the card and the badge and that’s that.

Not much else to report so I am going to wrap it up.  More tomorrow I promise.

Day 73 – The Day of Too Much Technology

OK, I am about to call uncle on my technology situation!  I have to figure out the ultimate solution with minimal equipment :)

Problems I need to solve:

  • I have 3 monitors.  Two 27″ and one 24″.  I want to be able switch easily which computer is being displayed on the “main” monitor.  I have a Mac Mini, Macbook, and a PC.
  • I have 1 set of speakers.  I want to be able to switch easily between which computer is playing through the speakers.  The problem really is that I am unsure I want no sound out of the others, but I do want to pick which uses the “good” speakers.
  • I have 3 keyboards and 3 mice.  I want to be able to somehow store the ones I am not using easily.  The struggle there is that I will usually play videos on the other 27″ monitor while I work on the main one.  So I will need some minor access to the keyboard and mouse for that computer.

I know that one thing that will help is if I could get off my booty and get my desk done.  I could probably spend 2 weekends on it and just be done.  I don’t know what my problem is, I think it is that this is the hard part.  I did all the easy stuff and now it either makes it or breaks it.

I have a couple things to do in my room, so many things to go through and so much stuff to donate or throw away.  Oh and I almost forgot – need to get one more thing moved so I can get the treadmill down :)  I have to start that next week.

I just finished eating some food and am still doing all the laundry.  I have the dog sheet washed, it is drying and then all the bed sheets still to go.  I am unsure how much longer I actually have.  I am sure that the cover will need to be washed on it’s own, but I might be able to get away with washing that tomorrow.  Now to enjoy some ice cream :)

I have this problem where I do things impulsively.  I am going to make a real plan on solving my final bedroom changes.  I am also going to make a plan that will start in April for being back on a cleaner eating plan / lifestyle.  That will mean goodbye to ice cream and candy and soda and all the good things :)  I am going to commit to clean eating for a year – that is my goal.  Theoretically if I make it a year it will be a lifestyle change.  I am going to wrap it up now so that I can finish cleaning up to lower the treadmill.

BYE :)

Day 72 – The T Day, Taco, Tennis, and Technology

Carlos and Paul came out today and I feel like we got lots done, but there is still a lot to do.  The good news, for me, is that I can get the treadmill down now :)  I think I am feeling well enough to begin running and that makes me very happy.  Carlos flew his drone while I was playing tennis with the puppies and I am trying to finish making a movie, or two rather, out of it.  We did do other stuff today, Carlos and I went to the grocery store and got all the goodies to make some epic tacos.  We got so many things and it all turned out so well.

Carlos and Paul and Dad went to the dump and got rid of my old box spring.  Was not sure I wanted it to go, but I think it was a fine decision.  We had a couple technical things to do at the house.  Needed to try to get the DVD player working but that didn’t work.  But I did move my Mac Mini to the main display and the PC to the side display.  I also moved the Magic Keyboard to the Macbook and the Logitech to the Mini.  All things are coming together.  I do need to figure out some sort of sound thing.  Right now the speakers I have are hooked up to the PC, but I am thinking I need the ability to hook them up to both.  Wonder if there is a splitter that you can turn one off and one on.

We just finished moving the rest of my old bed set out of the house – I feel so good now.  I have one more small task or thing to get rid of and I am done!!!!

I need to get back to work on the video we took.  Because it was with a drone it has no sound so I am looking for some music to add to it.  That is hard.  I will not upload it to this day’s post, but I will add it to another day when I finish it.  I promise it will not take me months :)

I wanted to get my bed sheets cleaned to day so that I could lighten the load for tomorrow, but no luck.  Guess tomorrow will be very full of laundry – my favorite.

Oh, best news – I got me some ice cream today!!!!!

And just now fixed my display a bit more.  Bad news is that I now seems to have waited $25 at Apple.

Now, time to wrap this up and eat some ice cream :)

Day 71 – The Day That Is So Busy

I am at lunch right now, but today is a busy busy day for me.  Yesterday was unexpected that I would sleep most of it away, so things must get made up today.  I am eating a Salmon Patty from the cafeteria, it is really good.  Not like mom makes, but pretty good none the less :)

Alright, I need to get back to work so I am not here all night :)

Been home for just a little bit now and got done playing catch with all the dogs one at a time.  I tried to have Nickel outside, after he played, while I played with Dime but Penny came out and she doesn’t like the games when other dogs are out.  But they all did play – Penny was the least good at it :)  Tomorrow when the boys are out I am going to get them to take video with the drone of them all playing.  I think it will be so fun :)

Right now I am setting up to get some more work done.  I need to do one thing, re-upload a video I had posted that was for some reason very low quality.

Dime does not seem comfy, but must be :)
Dime does not seem comfy, but must be :)

Day 70 – The Day I Slept

Today I was supposed to go to a doctors appointment and then head into the office for a couple meetings.  Well, instead as soon as I walked out of the appointment I had to jump on a call or my company so instead I ended up gong back to the house to do that.  It was a good meeting and I was glad I was able to participate, but it kinda messed up my schedule.  I was starving after my call so I fixed me some food and decided to take this new medicine I have been prescribed that is supposed to help with anxiety.  The anxiety that I have is more to do with a compulsive behavior I have had for most my life.  I have been having a bad episode of it for a couple months straight and it is something I do mindlessly.

Well, I would say that it helped me today, the only problem is that it instantly put me to sleep.  I decided to lay down and take a nap and planned to be up in time to be on my calls.  I laid down at 12:11 and didn’t wake up until 15:45.  I even had my watch on and wasn’t awaken by the several text messages I missed.  Out like a light.  I hate feeling irresponsible like that but I must be honest that it was a much needed break.

I am about to go to bed now so that I can make sure that I am ready for life as normal tomorrow.

I didn’t do much today so there just isn’t much that I did :)

I played with the dogs, Nickel and Dime did play with the tennis balls and that was good.  It still hard to play with more than one of them at a time, but we did pretty good.  I love all three of these puppies :)

Day 69 – The Day of Delta Greatness

Right now I am sitting in the Atlanta airport on my layover and I am at, I think, 1 of the two gates that are using a new boarding method at Delta.  They are doing kinda like Southwest where they have boarding lanes, but they are based on your zone.  I LOVE IT!!!!  A huge anxiety maker for me is when the people block the loading way and they are boarding the plane until the last group.  They just crowd the whole area and make it impossible to get to the front.  I HATE IT :)

I was lucky enough to experience this last flight to Baltimore.  It made it so easy to get on the plane.  Way to go Delta.

I was up very early, 04:00 for this flight and luckily I slept most of the first one.  I felt very good getting off the plane and now am eating my breakfast.  While I was getting food in Baltimore there was only a couple places open and Dunkin Donuts was one of them.  There was a lady with two kids, a 3 year old little girl and probably a 7 year old boy.  The little girl was so stinking cute!  She wanted a specific donut, not a specific kind a specific one.  When the mother got her the donut, she got her the kind, but not the one and the little girl had a melt down and dropped to the floor.  It was adorable, sorry for the mom, but I was just laughing.  It reminded me of those memes that you see where the kids are crying and the caption says something like, I wouldn’t let her eat the dogs food.  I really wanted to take a picture and make one but I wasn’t brave enough :)

I am sitting next to this woman who is so funny.  We are talking about transit stuff and how living in the city is amazing when you can travel around so simply without a vehicle.  It is like we are on the same page, nice.

I am sitting at this bar thing right next to the walk way so I am getting to people watch, which is nice.  You see some interesting people, interesting dress, shoes really.  Some of these women are insane with their shoe choice.

Tonight I am supposed to take mom to see Frank Sinatra Jr.  I am unsure if she will be feeling well enough to go, I don’t really wanna go but I hate to waste the tickets.  Hopefully she will be feeling well enough and be rested enough.

It was GREAT!!!!  My mom, and me, had an amazing time.  I really liked it and mom was singing along to the songs.  It had a visual component, showing old pictures and video and newspaper clippings – it was just really nice.

Mom and me at Frank Sinatra Jr.
Mom and me at Frank Sinatra Jr.
The band :)
The band :)

Day 68 – The Turn Table Day

Today I was in Cumberland this morning and ended in Baltimore.  I had a meeting to go to so that is why I was there and my flight is very early tomorrow so I drove back this afternoon.  I wasn’t sure if I was going to finish up early enough to drive in daylight so I was very happy when we wrapped at like 14:45.  2.5 hours later I am in my hotel room.  Returned the rental car and got some dinner.  Had a friend meet me for dinner which was very nice.

I saw one of the turn tables in Cumberland and while we were looking at it they were shuffling 2 engines so I got them on video.  It was so great, I wasn’t expecting to see it in action – I was just happy to see it at all.  It was amazingly quiet for how much weight it is move and how quickly it is going.

My mom wasn’t feeling well last night so I got a little distracted and didn’t post this blog so I am doing it first thing this morning while I wait for my flight.  Have a great day!!!