Day 107 – The Day of Samantha

Today Samantha is getting married. We have not had any issues so far today, I don’t think that she is stressed so that is all that matters. I wish I was feeling a little bit more productive because I know I didn’t help her as much as I should have or that I wanted to I should say. I know she understands, but still.

She is fixing to get in the shower and get her hair dry so that I can straighten it. Then we are going to the church and getting this thing done!!

K, so I am going to get it going now :)

So, we were a little late getting to the church and I backed into someone right in front of the building :( oh yeah and it was in Carlos’ truck. I felt horrible, still do.

It was supposed to start at 15:00, but I am pretty sure she was down the aisle at like 16:20! Oh well, next time we will do better :)

After we went for some food at a local mexican place. It was pretty good and I think everyone had a great time.

Carlos, Stacy, Jeff, and Paul all came out to the house after and helped me hang my new TV and get it all set up. I am super happy with it and can not wait to get to bed to watch it :)

Alright, I am going to call it quits tonight and will most likely make a page specific to the wedding or maybe just the photos. Goodnight all :)

Day 106 – It’s FriDay Y’all

I am so very happy that it is Friday.  Normally it doesn’t bother me, you know like the whole boo it’s Monday, but today I welcome it :)

I am working on a huge spreadsheet at work and it is just so slow, I can’t stand it.

I found a new plugin for my picture galleries that is almost exactly what I want. I am hoping that Paul might be able to mess with it and make it perfect :) I am a little shocked that what I want to do with my pictures isn’t the default way to handle galleries, but oh well.

The dogs came in wet this morning, it was drizzling just a little bit so I think really they were wet from running in the woods. Anyway, one of the puppies thinks drying off is a game and wants to attack you and the towel and the other one is deathly afraid of it. Isn’t that crazy, what dog is afraid of getting dried off, most of them LOVE it. So, that’s what I had to do before I left this morning. Just another day :) Penny dog is old enough to not get soaked if she can help it, but she NEVER turns down a toweling off :)

I brought my parents taxes so that I could do them during lunch, so let me get at it. And DONE!!!

Also went ahead and got another Google Voice phone number to use for work.

Couple of updates: Samantha’s rehearsal went fine but tomorrow is gonna be a hard day. Grabbed dinner with Carlos and our cousin Jeff and his wife Stacy and swapped vehicles with him. Then got home to a disaster with these crazy puppies…

I left my old flip flops out and was so worried that he would chew on them, forgetting that my brand new flip flops were under my desk. Well, guess which ones he got??????? That’s right, the brand new ones that I haven’t even put on yet. $50 chew toy for the beast.

OK so now I am relaxing and just wanted to wrap this up and get it actually posted today :)

Day 105 – The Day of Stuffs!

I got all kinds of stuffs today!!!!!! I picked up my new TV and my speakers were delivered :) I got my new flip flops, dog toy, clock, and bed sheets!!!

I had a couple doctor appointments and had to run by my other office to reset my work password. I never go there so it was nice to see it again. It has changed an amazing amount over there, new people have moved into the complex and across the street there are a couple of housing developments going up. Crazy growth in the area.

I played with the puppies, got a little more exercise today because it was a little cooler out and now they are recharging. I played in the dark once, they have no issues with it, but I can’t see what I am doing. I just need them to be so tired they SLEEP!!!

Well my mom isn’t feeling better yet. She isn’t horrible, like she doesn’t have a fever or anything, she just sounds horrible and has a bad cough. We will see if she feels better tomorrow afternoon, if not I am not sure what she will want to do, maybe go to the doctor again or something.

Completely off the wall here, but I downloaded a ton of pictures to use as desktop wallpapers and now I have them cycling and it just makes me so happy :) I have so many and they are mostly city pictures, makes me wanna travel!

Also, I have been having the craziest dreams lately. They are so strange it is a little hard for me to remember them, but I remember enough to know it is strange but can’t explain it to anyone. Not sure how many people remember their dreams, but I almost always have some clue as to what mine were about.

Alright, it is getting kinda late and now I am going to get some sleep :)

Day 104 – The Day Mom Faked Me Out

I came home early to take my mom to the doctor or hospital to get an X-ray because she thinks that she might have pneumonia despite the fact that she went to the doctor the other day… When I got home she changed her mind because she remembered that the doctor did check her breathing really well so she feels a little better about not having it. So, she faked me out thinking I was going to need to take her – but better not to have to do it :)

I just got out of going to the store because my sister is coming over to see mom – SCORE!!!!

I am going to work some more on the site today, I added a map to the trip page here: All the Trips

OK, I am done for the night, I am gonna wrap this up and chill in the bed :)

Day 103 – The Day of Dark Skies

Today was so gloomy all day long. Downtown I think it was worse then at home, when I got to my office and looked out the window it was so dark. But, so far the rain has held off. I am going to walk with my friend here in a couple minutes and hopefully we don’t get rained on, that would not for a nice walk make :)

I talked to my favorite user today! It’s funny how that comes about. Everyone is usually nice, especially since they are calling you because they are having issues, but it is always nice to hear a pleasant voice or just someone who is so nice on the phone. This user is both, I like his voice and he is super nice. He isn’t the only one, there are several :)

Anyway, there was some parade downtown today, didn’t see it, but saw that there were some road closures. Luckily that kind of stuff doesn’t ever have an impact on my drive home.

I ordered a wireless charging thing for my phone to see if it will work well. I think this might be a better solution for the folks then the mag safe adapter I had for them. It keeps being finicky with my dad’s phone and I have to play with it to get it to work. I am just concerned about it working through the cases. My camera case on my phone is kinda thick and he has an otter box. We will see :)

Time to walk, will hopefully get back to this this evening – should provide an update on how my mom is feeling, she went to the doctor this afternoon, hopefully she does not have something serious like pneumonia.

So good news is that she had not got pneumonia, she just got like normal antibiotics so hopefully she is all better in 7 days!!!!!

I got some pizza for dinner and also stopped by the pet store to get Penny her very own harness. Her’s is fluorescent pink a where Dime and Nickel’s are yellow! She has to be her own special :) I like having them in harnesses when we take them out rather than just the collar.

I am watching my YouTubes and then I am going just relax and let my brain chill :) I know, you probably think that I am normally letting my brain chill, but I promise I am always using it!!!

Alright, SEE YA :)

Day 102 – The Day of Sickness :(

Well, I was supposed to go out of town for work today, just Savannah, but I really didn’t want to leave my mom home alone because she didn’t feel well at all since last night. Leaving her here with the dogs is bad enough when she feels good :)

I took Nickel with me to grab some food for dinner and he got sick in the car :( I felt bad for him, but good for me that I had put the seat protector so when I got home I just hosed it off and all was good.

We are having an awful lot of ticks around here this year. I have pulled like 3 off of me, they were just walking, not attached and pulled 2 off of mom that were attached. We have been giving the dogs what I would call a very good flea and tick medicine, but that doesn’t seem to keep them out of the house. Country life I suppose.

I can’t remember if I had mentioned it, but I almost have my room completely done. I need to go through a bunch of stuff and get rid of what I don’t need, but other than that I have all the furniture out that doesn’t belong. Well, except for the temporary desk I am using. But my desk is getting very close to being done. I am still working on how I will actually attach it, but I have a ton of sanding still to do. Then I need to figure out how to finish it, if I am actually going to use finish or glass. I am really leaning towards some glass, but not covering the whole table, but just like the working area. Also, I haven’t decided how long to keep the desk. Right now it is 6′ long and like little less than 3′ wide. That is a big desk. I just need to make sure cause you can’t really glue it back on :)

Just got done playing with the puppies. They love it :)

Alright – gonna watch some tv and go to bed :)

Day 101 – Sunday, We All Know What Day That Is

CLEANING DAY!!!!! I have finished sweeping and mopping my bedroom, have not tackled the bathroom yet, but will be doing that today too, I think. I am washing bedding now and then the rest of my clothes and then DONE!!

Oh, I am supposed to dye Samantha’s hair today too. I don’t know when we are going to get that done.

I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, I think that finishes those up, don’t need them in the house for a while :)

I am trying to figure out what to eat for lunch, for a split second there I wanted pizza, but I don’t think so now :) Funny how mood changes just like that.

I am sitting down right not to do Samantha’s hair. Let the long process begin :)

I think it turned out good, but she didn’t dry it before she left so I am not 100% sure.

I just made dad some beenie weenies which is what we were all supposed to have for dinner except me and mom spoiled our dinner by eating lunch so late – oh well!!

Alright, I still have a load of clothes in the dryer and one in the washer so I am gonna wrap this up and get things done! Goodnight :)

Day 100 – Such a Day!!!

Today was a big day. I sold one of my cars today. It is bitter sweet. I am happy to see that the kid wants to get it running and drive it and have as much fun as I did with it, but I am sad to see it go. I am also happy for the money that brings :)

Samantha, Becky, Mom, and Me went to the mall today to get a dress for me for her wedding (Samantha’s). After that we grabbed food – mall food, it doesn’t get much crappier :) Then I needed to get my jewelry inspected and I had told mom I would buy her one of those charms where the stone in the middle shacks – like it’s called heartbeat or something. Anyway, she found one she wanted and it wasn’t too expensive so that is great. I also got me another set of stud earrings a little bit smaller than the ones I got for my birthday. I love them :)

I am going to order that TV and mount and stuff this week. I am very excited, I hope it looks OK and not crazy.

Mom and I were so tired when we got back from the shopping, it was crazy. I am not sure why, maybe it was just overwhelming how many people and how much stuff we had looked at.

Alright, gonna call it a night now.

Day 99 – The Day of 5 Yards of Rock

Well, we got 5 yards of lime rock delivered today to build up the driveway a good bit under the gate. Nickel and Dime can go under it, really I believe that Dime is the only one I have seen go under, but I am sure that Nickel would too. Tomorrow we get to spread it out although the driver did a good job of spreading it out when he was dumping it.

I just got done playing with them outside – tennis. I always play with them until I think that they really need to be resting. I am really afraid of Nickel hurting himself, he is panting like crazy right now. I think I am going to get a little kid pool for them here soon because I think that they will enjoy it and hopefully help keep them cooler.

I got some stuff today that I had ordered on Amazon. One was dog whistles, I think that this might help with correcting the puppies. In that same box I also got these like needle nose tweezers that I can use to pull fuzz out of my necklace. I just spent about 20 minutes doing just that and I think it is mostly done :)

I had a great day at work today. Like I had said the other day, I have felt very accomplished when I finish meetings. Maybe because there isn’t really tasks to check off in my job, meeting give me a sense of completion.

OK, gonna do some random pages on the site and finish looking at some other things. Have a great day!!

Day 98 – A Day in The Chair

Today I worked from the house because I had something that I had to do with my dad and after that was done, I spent the whole rest of the day sitting at my desk. I think I will be going to bed soon, but man!

I am very close to selling one of my cars and I am thinking about getting a TV with some of the money. I want a 50″ because it is going to be on the other end of my bed. I need to get a mount from Amazon though before I get it. Or I can get it and then order the mount. I think it would be good to get it this weekend since Paul and Carlos will be here and one of them can help get it and bring it in the house :)

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day at work so I am going to head to bed – Goodnight :)