Day 137 – The Doctor Day

Today I had a doctor’s appointment that took way too much out of me.  The appointment was a bit later than I usually do because I had to change it at the last minute and then I had to drop some prescriptions off.  They tell me it will be ready in an hour so I went to the store and walked around waiting and when I went back – not ready…  It is now 12:30.  Now I have to go back out, but that is OK because I do have something to do that I am very excited about.  I think I can show it because the person I am going to do this for does not read my blog :)

I have a call right now and then I am going to wrap up a couple things and head back out for my meds that I have been needing for a couple days now.

I got a couple packages today, several of the stickers I got for my laptop and my stand and also some new cables for my mac.  They are for traveling, making my life easier.

We just got back from all the stops, the frame place, the drug place, and a food place :)  Publix has THE BEST potato wedges – if you don’t know, now you know!!!!!

The dogs were pretty bad at dinner time.  They would not eat their food, they were so concerned with what mom was eating.  I hate that, but oh well.  I will wait to see when they want to play ball and hope no one gets sick because they didn’t eat when they were supposed to!  It’s feels like I am talking about a kid :)

Oh, I keep forgetting to mention it, I think at least, I think my dad’s favorite thing to do is to look for typos in the blogs :)  He yells, FOUND ONE!!  It isn’t usually a misspelling, but the wrong word :)

Just got out of the shower – I love my shower – it is so relaxing – the funny thing is that I only appreciate it after I travel :)  Otherwise it’s just a shower – ha ha ha.

OK, I am going to start relaxing so I can go to bed – goodnight all :)

Look at how this picture frame is gonna look!

How amazing this is going to look in real life :)
How amazing this is going to look in real life :)

Day 136 – The Day of 1,000 Laughs

Tonight we went to see Amy Schumer and she was hilarious!!!  I was very worried as I had not seen any of her stuff but goodness it was funny :)

For the most part I have done nothing today.  I am working on stuff for the website, but none of it is published yet.  I am just building it up.  I didn’t even manage to get laundry done and I always do that on Sunday.  Oh well :)

I am looking and looking at the blue braces I had painted for my desk and I am so unsure about it.  Really I think my issue is that it’s not just those pieces, those are going to eventually connect to the ceiling and I just think that might be a lot of the blue.  It is so hard for me to make the decision :)

I ordered me a new stand for my laptop, one where it stands on it’s side.  I just don’t have the space for the old one and I don’t really open the lid when I am using it at home now.  So, bonus.  It was supposed to be here today but shockingly the USPS did not deliver it.

Alright, time for sleep :)

Me and the brothers at Amy Schumer :)
Me and the brothers at Amy Schumer :)

Day 135 – Day of Blues

I painted my braces for my desk!!!  I know, slow and steady :)  Just have to finish sanding the beast and also try to decide how high and how long it is going to end up being.  I want to redo my picture situation before I decide how long to make it.  I will also have to spay another coat I think, but for now it is looking very good.  Let me go set it up right now to show how it will look :)

I just got done playing with the puppies and then Dime got sick so now we won’t do it so close to their dinner time.  I only took them out because Nickel was staring and talking at me.

Paul came over today and brought me some Panda Express.  Then we had some Chili’s for dinner.  Chili’s is really slacking.  I don’t like this new menu and they just didn’t do very good today at all.  I feel like I talk about food a lot in my blogs, but oh well :)

Tomorrow Carlos and Paul and I are going to see Amy Schumer.  I am excited, I really hope it is good.  I am not sure how well rested I am going to be for the show, I am going to try to take a nap.  Monday I have a doctor’s appointment and luckily it is at like 10 so I should be good to go :)

I also managed to make a meeting this week with our insurance person and I won’t be here.  Now I need to reschedule for like Monday or Tuesday – ugh :)  This is the life of the traveler.

I am so ready to get into the shower, but after I take a shower I just want to lay down and it is a bit early for that even for me :)  But the doggies are doing it!  ha ha ha

Alright, off to clean the person and then maybe take in a movie on Netflix or maybe start my new book :)  Goodnight all!!

The blue braces!
The blue braces!
The blue braces!
The blue braces!

Day 134 – The Day of Happies

I am so very happy to be home and have a rest day :) I spent most of the day in bed and half of that time sleeping!! ha ha ha

Right now I am eating me some icecream and watching my favorite YouTub-er Casey Neistat. I think I have linked to him before, but if you are into the daily blog / vlog kind of thing, he has an amazingly happy and fantastic person who puts out great content.

I just got done playing tennis with the dogs and they decided they had enough, for the first time while I was playing with them. It was a hot one today – even inside the house – I had to get out from under my covers a couple times :) ha ha – I am on a roll tonight :)

Today my dad was talking about not ever flying in a helicopter, goes to the restroom, and proceeds to remember SEVERAL times that he was on a helicopter :) He had mentioned that he flew in on around the Pisa, Italy and my mom mentioned that she had actually walked up the Leaning Tower of Pisa. For some reason I think they no longer let people walk up it, but I can’t confirm it. That is pretty cool on both parts.

So I got my first Barkbox while I was gone and promptly opened it and Nickel LOVED the toy that came with it.  Believe it or not, he has not completely destroyed it yet!!!  Amazing!

I have finally finished my book, The First World War: A Complete History, I have been reading it for so many months.  It was very good and super informative, but just took me forever to finish it.

I just had to go back outside and play tennis with the puppies again.  Nickel was just staring at me talking while I am sitting here trying to get my blog done – I love him so very much but sometimes he is a pain :)  I got bit up by ants while I was out there, guess it’s time to put some stuff down to kill them.

Could I have more links in this page :)  I just want to point people in the right direction if they are interested.  OK, gonna clean up and get ready for bed – goodnight all :)

Nickel and his Barkbox toy!!
Nickel and his Barkbox toy!!

Day 133 – The Done Day

Today is the last day for this Nashville Division trip.  We went to 7 different places I think and it was like a tornado ripping through this week.  My job was much more relaxed compared to the others who I tagged along with.  I just had to answer questions, demo features, and cleanup some issues.  The  other group was swapping out laptops.  Also, I being the tagalong I didn’t have to drive or really worry about anything!  What time are we leaving – DONE :)

In all honesty thought, as usual everyone was great and I really enjoyed the interactions.  I won’t be with them next week because I had seem them a week ago.  I will pick back up on these trips in two weeks with the Atlanta Division – closer to home :)

My flight tonight gets me home at 23:00 but I know I am not leaving that airport until at least midnight.  At least that’s when I told Carlos to come get me :)

I am at the Huntsville Airport and there was a fuel spill at our gate. Seems like they are doing a good job cleaning it up, like all hands on deck. I think we will just move gates and hopefully this will not have an impact on our flight.

I am very ready to be home! I picked me up a cool magnet from here, but, dang, I was in 4 states this week!! I am not sure what to do :) Real life problems here!!

I am now in Atlanta and at my gait and waiting for my last flight tonight. We had to grab some quick food at TGIF and it was pretty good – for an airport :)

Alright, gotta go now, hope everyone has a great night!!

Barbie - "Bobby Taylor" is good to his kid :)
Barbie – “Bobby Taylor” is good to his kid :)
Rockets - Huntsville, AL
Rockets – Huntsville, AL
Rockets - Huntsville, AL
Rockets – Huntsville, AL
Depot - Tullahoma, TN
Depot – Tullahoma, TN
Train - Tullahoma, TN
Train – Tullahoma, TN
Oakworth Yard :)
Oakworth Yard :)
Ceiling tiles at the airport.
Ceiling tiles at the airport.
Fuel spill...
Fuel spill…
Impressive cleanup in action.
Impressive cleanup in action.
Fuel spill...
Fuel spill…
New swag!!
New swag!!

Day 132 – It’s Days Like This…

Had another great work day today and it didn’t really feel like a work day so that is the best.  When work is enjoyable it is smooth :)  We had a couple hours in the car I think, both ways, and it was pretty scenery.  It was raining this morning but it cleared up pretty quick so that was nice.

I am sitting in the hotel eating the Panera I just walked over to get.  It is good when food is close, would have been better if it was Panda Express – AM I RIGHT?!  Ha ha ha ha

I think something is a little bit off with my medications I am taking.  In the afternoons I start to have a very strange feeling, almost like I am getting a little bit dizzy – it is hard to explain, but I go see my doctor on Monday so that is good.  Dialing in on this stuff has been very hard, but I am sure it is helping me so it’s all good.

I got a strawberry smoothie from Panera, while they are great and I like them a lot, I was thinking I could drink it like a dessert, but the thing with smoothie’s is that they don’t really last long.  Oh, and they are not that great with pasta…  Oh well, live and learn :)

The folks I have been traveling with went to a Crossfit class tonight.  I really do wish I could have gone, but I have fallen so far this year I would have never been able to do any of it.  I told my trainer that I would be signing up for sessions with her soon.  I have to get this weight off and I think it might come off a bit quicker in the beginning since it went on so fast.  Here’s hoping anyway!

I got upgraded on my flights home tomorrow – LOVE IT :) :)

I miss the folks and the puppies, as usual, but I just can’t help it :)

I got a couple pictures today, nothing great just something.  I wish I was a little bit better at describing things, but it’s hard right now.  We went to a yard office and those are pretty much the noisiest places you can be and not just loud, ear piercing screeching.  I think it is about the worst place to be on the RR.  The next place was an old depot.  I was going to get more pictures of the little town and the building, but there were some cars in the way and when the train went by I was right in the middle of helping someone so I couldn’t get that pic.

OK, well we have an early morning tomorrow.  We are in the central time zone but we always work on RR time which is eastern so I need to get to sleep :)  Good night and sweet dreams!!

Going to Radnor Yard - Trains :)
Going to Radnor Yard – Trains :)
The town hotel - Dickson, TN
The town hotel – Dickson, TN


Day 131 – The Backpack Day

I am just going to come right out and say it, I have a backpack problem!  I have 5 already in my possession and I just got another one today!  This and luggage – OUT OF CONTROL….

We made out way down to Nashville, Tennessee tonight and will be staying here until Thursday.  We stopped at the outlet stores here and I got a couple little things, but I never realized that the Limited has such cute clothes!  I got a couple shirts, nothing major – but Mrs Taylor may have some competition :)

The travel partners / coworkers are so freakin funny.  They work close together and have for a bit of time and it is just hilarious to hear some of their interactions.  I remember those times with coworkers and I laughed a lot.  It helps that these are good travel people, I have experienced bad travel people and that is no fun!

Oh, I got upgraded in my hotel tonight!  This is the first time this has happened on my own.  I have been upgraded as part of like a large group, but I just feel so cool :)  ha ha ha

Today was another good work day with people.  Helped a couple out at both locations.  I think that we can do a bit better, so I will work a little harder to get that done tomorrow.  I kinda have to push myself on them to get any participation, but then they like realize all kinds of little things I can help with.  It’s good.

Alright, I am about to watch my YouTube and go to bed :)  Goodnight and sleep tight :)

Just a bench being a bench :)
Just a bench being a bench :)

Day 130 – The Day of the Shake Steak

With this trip we are visiting 2 location per day until Thursday.   Pretty strenuous schedule even though the work isn’t hard, it just all the travel.

Today we had Starbucks breakfast, can’t go wrong there and then we had Steak and Shake for lunch.  That was my first time going to steak and shake!!!  Wanna take a guess at what I got, that’s right HOT DOG :) :)

We were in Terra Haute this morning and now we are almost to Evansville, Indiana.  Luckily I am sitting in the back seat which I think is what is allowing me to type and I even read some.  Normally I can not do either in a vehicle.  I am also trying my best to look for things to take pictures of, but so far nothing great.

Denise is driving which is nice not to have to worry about that since I just got back from 8 hours of driving last week.  This rental car is pretty great too.  It is a Ford Explorer but like fully loaded.  Very nice.

Alright, enough for now and I will check back later :)

Well the session this morning went well and the session this afternoon went even better.  The people I am traveling with are basically 3 different groups, including myself.  There are the IT folks, the awesome do all C&S folks, and me.  So when I say like the session was good, really I am talking about mine since we all have different functions and goals :)  Tomorrow I am going to try something a little different to get the people a bit more engaged, basically force them to listen to me :) and that should make it a real success.

We just got back from dinner and I am very tired.  We went to a Logan’s which was pretty good tonight.  I got some kind of burger, with no buns.  Not for any reason except I wasn’t super hungry and I figured it would be very messy :)

I just wanted to wrap this up since I didn’t get to finish yesterdays until today – gotta keep on schedule!!

Bye :)

A field that had some life :)
A field that had some life :)

Day 129 – The Day of Mother

Mother’s Day, the day for mom! We treat my mom really well and we got her taco pizza from Papa Murphy’s! It was pretty good. My brother Paul got her some chocolate from Peterbrook so that was nice. Carlos also came out again, so awesome!

I tried to be loving all over the puppies today since I leave this afternoon. Nickel accidentally bit be a little too hard on my finger, kinda hurts a bit.

Carlos took me to the airport so I don’t have to pay so much to park. He is going to pick me up too so YEAH.

Flights were uneventful, except I did talk with someone on the first flight who was all interested in my books and stuff so that was cool, made that flight go a little quicker.

The next flight both my coworkers were on the flight, but we were all over the plane. I got a lot of my book finished. I have been reading it forever!

We got to the hotel at like 23:00 and checking in was a whole production. “Bobby Taylor” and I were walking down the same hallway and he was like, what room are you going to, I said 475 – where is your room – 475! So then he had to go back down to the desk and he missed the lady coming up with the right keys for him – CRAZY!!! Just a perfect end to this day :)

Update – I meant to add some pics of mom since it was mothers day, so here are some with her new children :)

Mom trying to eat ice cream with Nickel around.
Mom trying to eat ice cream with Nickel around.
Mom and Penny sharing the chair!
Mom and Penny sharing the chair!

Day 128 – The Day I Cleaned my Bathroom

I have finally cleaned up my bathroom – sorta… I got the floor cleaned and the toilet closet cleaned, but I did not clean off my vanities. I still need to do that and I may do that tomorrow, but it is already so much better. I also cleaned all my room, swept and vacuumed :)

I am all packed for tomorrow, at least I think I am. I will double check tomorrow.

Oh yeah, Paul, Carlos, Samantha, and Becky came by. Paul and Carlos helped out so much as usual :) We played with the puppies so much today I hope they sleep good. It seems like they recover so quickly really. It kinda kills me.

Carlos got a new truck last night. It is very nice, but I swear that Nissan NEVER changes their stuff.

We went to Firehouse for dinner, brought it back to the house. Good stuff.

Tomorrow I should be able to finish the bathroom and maybe take a pic since I got new little rugs and they are super cute :) :)

Alright, sorry it was short and not amazing, but was just trying not to stress before I am out again :)