Been a While

It has been a while since I properly blogged.  I have been having some ups and downs lately – to be expected I suppose.  I do think I am in a much better place then I was a couple weeks ago.  I have been reading a lot on being single and how to handle breakups and have learned a ton.  I have been single for a lot of years in my 20s and I never really learned what I needed which is why I have fallen into my old habits again.

I am leaving tomorrow again for work and will be gone through the weekend and that should help keep my mind off of things.  I have vowed to work on myself in this time that has been given to me.  I have started with the things that make me happy and I think that I should continue with that as I realize things that I want and need out of a relationship.  Then, now this is the key to all of this, I have to stick with that.  I have to recognize when I don’t get that and just walk away.

I have been sick the last couple days, been coughing a ton and hope that tomorrow I am a bit more clear in my head for the flight.  I really don’t want to fly when my ears won’t pop, but at least it is just one flight and not multiple times :)

I am going to be really focusing on exercising as well.  It is supposed to make you feel better chemically and I need just about all I can get right now.  I am still not back to eating properly – 1 maybe 2 meals a day.  Soon everything will be OK.  My goal is to lose about 40 pounds – have lost 20 so still have a good bit to go.

Will get back to blogging in Atlanta :)