Day 187 – The Day of the Box Turtle

Tonight Nickel found a box turtle and brought it up to the house.  Well, luckily he didn’t hurt him and I put the dogs up and then put him back in the general area where I think he was.  Nickel has had a couple turtles and a cat.  He is good though because when I call him off, he does leave it alone.  I am very happy that he does that.

I tried to work on the new website, but I realize that I really don’t know what is actually gonna go on it :)  So, homework for the next couple days will be to spend some time on 4 tag lines or topics or something for the main page.  I am going to try to keep it to a single page layout with a link to my professional resume, I think.

Oh, I forgot the most crazy part of my day!  I went downtown and started to move my mouse / tap on my keyboard to wake up my computer and nothing was happening.  So I reached up and no computer…  OOOOOOOPS I forgot it at home :)  Luckily I had my Mac and was able to work and not have to come home or use the desktop in the team room :)

Alright, gonna go to bed now – Nickel is going crazy.  He is making me crazy!

Day 186 – The 4th Day of July

Had the family over for dinner tonight.  We had t-bone steaks and sides, it was pretty good.  I made Paul some cake and that ended up being really good too :)

Did not do laundry today…  Why, why did I not do that?  Because I am simply lazy :)

I did get started on the new website for the company.  I am basically looking for a good theme and Paul had done all the other pieces.  Did get the email all set up too.

Have been outside with the dogs a ton today, but it is so hot, so humid.  Crazy, I tried to stay in the shade but that didn’t work well.

I think I am going to go to bed early today.  I am tired already because I didn’t really sleep too good last night.

The dogs are still like begging me to take them outside.  They don’t care that it is a million degrees and I don’t want to.  Alright, time to get some other work done :)

Day 185 – The Failed Dinner Day :)

We were going to have chicken and dumplings but I had to be lazy and was like, let’s try this new thing I saw on Facebook…

Well, it didn’t go so well, since I forgot one of the main ingredients :)  It was basically hotdogs in cornbread and then chili and cheese was supposed to go on top.  I remembered it in the store, went down the aisle and then forgot why I was walking down the aisle…  So – what we had was hotdogs in cornbread and baked beans on top!  We normally ALWAYS have chili.  Like several cans all the time.  Not yesterday.  it wouldn’t have been so bad if we didn’t give up chicken and dumplings for it.  That’s what hurt :)

Should have done laundry today because now I just have to do it tomorrow.  it won’t end up doing itself tonight.  SHOCKING I know :)


Didn’t play a ton today with the dogs, it was raining and so so hot.

I don’t know why I can’t seem to take at least one picture a day so that this post has something to use as a thumbnail.  It isn’t hard, I have so many options and to actually capture a picture so, whatever.
Alright, gonna try to go to bed :)

Day 184 – The BBQ Day

We just got back from going to my sisters house for a BBQ.  It was good, she had a lot of her friends over and their kids, which are all so nice.

Paul and Carlos came over for their visit.

I spent the morning printing stuff off that I need.  So much stuffs.  Other than those couple things I have been pretty lazy :)  Alright, just got done running the dogs, 4 balls is almost too much to keep up with.  They keep moving slightly off the path to put them down.

I have got to book all my hotel rooms for the next outing and the one at the end of the month which I am very excited to be going to.  I have a couple people going who I just really like.  They are so stinking nice I can’t take it :)

I am going to be working on my new website, it will be pretty static compared to this one, but still want to make it as nice as I can.  Can’t wait to “reveal” it.  I know it is silly, but I am just so excited about this new adventure.

Day 183 – The Day of LLC

I did it!!!  I found an accountant and we made a LLC for me!  I feel great :)  Believe it or not the accountant was what I thought was going to be the hardest thing to find / deal with.  Also interesting thing, I found him simply by googling accountant and looking near my house and it turns out he is the same person I have used a long time ago and what a company I worked for also used.  Small world!

Also, I have had a hell of a time trying to get my last payments from the old company.  Why do companies always want to mess with employees money when they leave?  When I left GE it was the same way, they were f-ing around with my vacation pay and it took like 2 months to finally get it all and I had to go to the president of our division to get it done.  This company is no different and it is only a couple hundred dollars that they have already been paid for!!!  Stupid and it is blowing my mind.  First you let me know how you don’t need me or my billing capability and you can’t give me what is owed – guess maybe you needed me more than you thought if that is a struggle for you…

I want this blog to be something I can share my feelings and experiences, good or bad.  I don’t like to feel like I need to sensor myself so there it is.  And here is the deal, it is my right to have my own opinions and express those because if people don’t like it then they can chose not to read it.

I watch a YouTuber IISuperwomanII Vlog channel and she said something really good today.  If you have some time and can get through the other stuff or if you wanna skip to it, you should watch this because she makes pretty good points about the difference between equality and equity.  The good part starts at 03:27 and you can click HERE to watch.  I don’t want to restate it because she does such a great job herself.

OK, I purchased my new domain and will let you know what I decided on for a name and show you the logo I am going to go with as soon as I can point that site to a webpage :)  So excited!!!

The dogs are currently chewing on some rawhide bones.  Nickel always chews his for like 5 seconds and then decides he is going to bury it in the house to save for later.  When he can’t find the perfect spot he resigns himself to actually chewing on it :)  Crazy puppy!

Alright, I am going to get in the bed and have sweet dreams about the amazing possibilities!!!!

The Prince of Paradise: The True Story of a Hotel Heir, His Seductive Wife, and a Ruthless Murder (St. Martin’s True Crime Library)

The Prince of Paradise: The True Story of a Hotel Heir, His Seductive Wife, and a Ruthless Murder (St. Martin's True Crime Library) Book Cover The Prince of Paradise: The True Story of a Hotel Heir, His Seductive Wife, and a Ruthless Murder (St. Martin's True Crime Library)
John Glatt
St. Martin's Press
April 16, 2013

I had never heard this story which only surprises me because I have lived in Florida my whole life. Also, this was an amazingly brutal story. It made me so sad I just can't believe people are as horrible as in this book. I don't normally read about like true crime, but I was interested in this book for two reasons the hotel and the fact that this was similar to Gilded Age type wealth.

The book was well written but it is long. It also spans something like 70 years. Basically from around the 50s to now. I enjoyed the history part very much and of course now I must do additional research to see pictures and all that :)

I really do recommend this book for anyone into the true crime stuff. It is a little history that super relate to the crime, but that is the kind of stuff I am more into. It was a long book, something like 60 chapters, but still a quick read.

Day 182 – The Day I Could Breathe

I am finally done working for someone who I didn’t feel was appreciative enough of all my hard work. I knew from about 3 months in that it was not the situation I thought it would be. I was dreading having to quit when I got a new job, but it was made very easy for me when they confirmed that it wasn’t the place for me :)

Starting my own company to hold me over until I can work for the company is very interesting to me. I never thought that I would do this and I am happy that I do get to. Even if it is only for a little bit :)

The dogs were very bad last night. At around 01:00 they decided to get a 5th wind and raise hell. I was up with them until about 02:00. Not a happy camper.

I have now taken them out twice this evening and I think that I have decided that they need to eat earlier because they hardly ate this evening. I don’t like that because they are very active and they need to eat.

Alright, gonna mess around for a bit :)

I made a logo, I am not sure that it is what I am going with basically with the name. I can be very creative or just do something simple :)

I suppose I am going to call it a night. It is about bedtime anyway!!

Day 181 – The Day I Decided to Start an LLC!

I have decided that I am going to start an LLC. I am going to accept all name ideas, got one yesterday that was something like Reds Stick Together? Anyway, people are funny!!

I just walked with the puppies and found another turtle, that is two or the same one twice today. I think I am going to google like a paint or something to mark them that doesn’t hurt them. I am not 100% sure what kind they are but they are little and so sweet and I don’t want the puppies to get them but for some reason they always do, not just these dogs, ALL of our dogs have done that.

SO HOT!! I am sweating from just walking around out there. Amazing.

I am going to grab me some food, bologna and cheese I think :) Then I am doing some research…

And now it is raining and that means no more playing outside.

Wait, the dogs don’t seem to understand the it’s wet out so I don’t wanna go. Guess I will go. Yep, pretty wet out.

Day 180 – The Day I Flew In and then Flew Out

Today I am in Atlanta for the afternoon for a training class. I flew in this morning and am headed back tonight. This isn’t too bad of a gig, but I will get home later than I like.

I am with Construction and am about to start my session with them. It is supposed to be half a day and I am not sure I am going to be able to stretch it that far, which is actually good because it means that people are really getting it.

I rented a Fiat 500 at the airport. It is a pretty comfy vehicle, but a bit under powered. I am sure the car rental place doesn’t have the most powerful model, but there is nothing worse then being under powered :(

Alright, will get back to you later :)

I sat next to someone at the airport who was coming from Turkey. She said all these cool things she did while she was there and I was so jealous! It sounded AMAZING :) I also found out that right before the airport was bombed. Crazy world.

Made it home safe and sound and now I am going to bed!!

Day 179 – The First Day of the Last Week!!

Today is officially the last Monday at my current job!  I am so happy and excited because I feel like this is the first steps to the last job I will have.

I went to a field office to help construction with the new application and it went really well.  We have worked really hard to improve the program and it is nice when people express their happiness with the changes.  This is the same place I went last week, but with a different group of people.

Now, when I sit at my desk in my room, Nickel thinks it is play time so he sits next to me and “talks” to me in a loud whining voice. I am going to try to record it and post it, but I just haven’t yet.

I managed to break my website just a little while ago, but luckily Paul fixed it. Not sure what was wrong, but he wants cake as payment.

My sister just got here and brought dinner so let’s go see what that is about :) I had a couple wings and it was pretty good. I am about to have a hot dog since I have been out twice with the puppies and am working up an appetite :) Hotdog was good too!

I just had to get 3 balls out from under the cabinet that Nickel lost. Played again…

I want to jump in the shower, but I know that I have several more walks with the dogs still…

And finally it is getting dark and I am going to get to bed – I have an early flight tomorrow :)