Day 195 – The Day Visiting the Queen-sgate

Today we are at Queensgate Yard here in Cincinnati.  This is a big place in the middle of some cool building!  I was actually getting a little car sick on the way here trying to look at everything, kept turning my head from right to left!

This morning went really well.  We have finished for the day I think, got through a lot of people done.  I had a couple people who needed some help so that makes this trip a success as well.  All the locations this week were very prepared to ask me questions or have me resolve issues.  It feels great!

I am not sure what we are doing for lunch, will have to get back to this later.

Lunch – this was a place downtown that they had seen on a TV show.  It was Mexican but fancy Mexican not like TexMex.  It was alright, tasted pretty authentic to me like when I was in Mexico.  So you know I would prefer the American-ized version :)

We just got back from dinner and we went to another Bru Burger.  That place is very good.  I am kinda glad they don’t have one in Jax because I would most likely be sick of it :)

Alright, I am going to go to bed or at least read a bunch and hope I get very tired and fall asleep :)  Last night I was up about every hour and it wasn’t good.  K, BYE!!!!

Cool building by the yard.
Cool building by the yard.

Day 194 – The Day of the Beaver

This morning we were in a place called South Shore and we had another great work sessions.  It was a happy group of guys :)

We had a long drive to the next place, Cincinnati.  On the way we were down like back roads for a good bit of the way and we saw a live beaver crossing the road!  I don’t think I have seen one in the wild before so I was very excited :)  My coworkers were making fun of me, but they knew it was cool!!

We waited until we got here to have lunch which might have been a bad idea because dinner is supposed to be at a Brazilian Steak House.   We ate at Chipotle which I have only been once and didn’t love it.  Well, today it was pretty good!  I got the bowl and that seems to be what everyone raves about.

The hotel here is very nice.  It was good that it was freezing when I got there so I laid down for a nap :)  Then I haven’t been feeling well like all week so I knew what dinner was going to be like so I have decided to skip and stay here.  I hate doing that because I like being with the group, but I just can’t do it.  I know I am not going to feel good.

Going to bed now, goodnight!

Day 193 – The Day We Were in Louisa

Today we were in Louisa, Kentucky.  This is a nice little town, seems to be in the valley of some “hills” :)  We had a good day of training today and we saw the fanciest gas station building EVER!  The training was in the morning and then we drove to the next location which was in Portsmouth.  The whole trip we were in and out of Kentucky and Ohio.  I think it was as simple as Kentucky on one side of the river and Ohio on the other :)

We are staying in a nice Holiday Inn here in like the middle of this old town.  It’s nice in that the buildings are old and pretty, but there isn’t much around.  I wanted to get some pictures of the town, but didn’t manage to get back outside to do it because we were going to dinner at a Japanese Steak House a good ways away.

We ate in Ashland at this place called Fuji something.  It was good and the cook spoke very little english so he wasn’t quite as funny as they usually are.  The waiter had a happy attitude though and made up for it :)

Paul got his new car today!!  I am so very happy for him.  I think this is his first brand new car and he was persistent and got exactly what he wanted.  Good for him :)

This is posting late because the power was out at the house yesterday and the server was shut down.

The interesting gas station.
Another view.
Paul and his new car!!
Paul and his new car!!

The Fear of 13

The Fear of 13 Book Cover The Fear of 13
David Sington

Oh my goodness, I was not expecting this movie to be so good. I felt very sad for Nick Yarris' when he was sad and very happy for him when he was happy. It really is a touching story. I wasn't looking to watch it, but I just did.

It is Nick Yarris, a death row inmate, just sitting in a room and telling his story. His ability to relay what he has been through was captivating. I don't know if it was his voice or his facial expressions, but it had my complete attention for the entire 96 minutes.

I absolutely recommend this, especially in light of the great success of Making a Murder.

Day 192 – Traveling Day

Today I leave for work again.  Another week of 1 night hotels :)  We are starting in Huntington, WV and ending in Dayton, OH, with lots of stops in between.  Will post them as I go :)

I have to pack today and then I think I am going to get Paul to take me to the airport tonight instead of leaving my car at the airport.  Luckily I don’t have much to do today except pack.

The dogs were going crazy all morning.  For some reason Dime is being so so mean and deciding to take Nickel’s spot on the bed.  Now they are back to normal where Nickel is on the bed and Dime is on the floor.  But the normal part of that is they are sleeping 😉  This is what they do, sleep all day long and then want to go out all late afternoon.  Only problem is that tonight I am not going to be here to play with them.  I think when I am gone they do still go play, they just play together.

I cleaned my bedroom yesterday so I don’t need to do that and hopefully I will come home to a clean room :)  Not likely because the dogs will just shed so much in the week.

I don’t remember if I mentioned this but my Apple Watch needs to be replaced.  The back has become separated from the body.  Apparently that is a defect that a lot of people have experienced.  But the hardest part is finding a store to make an appointment with to look at it so I can get the replacement.  Will need to look at places where we will be this week, but I doubt we will be near one :)

In the afternoons it is so freaking hot outside and inside.  Our house has concrete walls which means it is insulated very good, and the thermostat is ALWAYS set to 76, but it still gets hot by the windows.  Ugh – Florida life :)

Got to Huntington, and I have never flown into here before but this is a tiny airport. The plane from Charleston to Huntington was also a bit tiny, but the worst thing was there was no AC on it while we were there on the tarmac. The hotel was pretty close to the airport so we didn’t have to drive too far. Alright, time for bed!

Day 191 – Prep Day

Today I am doing all my laundry and getting ready to be out of town for the week.  I also changed my bedsheets, which for some reason is no easy task.  I think it is the pillows.  I have too many pillows – 8!

My mom and sister have went to the store so that I don’t have to.  I have been in my bed clothes all day working on this laundry.  I did do a little more than laundry.  I moved the dog cage to give ma a real table next to the bed.  I also have been working on my company website.  It isn’t needed, but I am having fun exercising my brain by doing it.

Forgot to post this last night :)  I was so tired from all that laundry that I just wanted to go to bed.  The dogs were being very bad last night, which might have contributed to my sleeping very poorly.  I ended up trying to sleep this morning until like 10.  K, Bye :)


Day 190 – The Day of I Can’t Even Nature Anymore!

Another snake!  3 for 3, stop this madness!  Thank goodness I am going to be going out of town starting Sunday.  I hope I don’t see snakes when I am gone :)

I had such a good work week.  It was very productive and I would call it a great first week out on my own :)

I had to get a blood test this morning for some life insurance stuff and I had to not eat any breakfast.  The struggle was hard!  I decided to stay asleep until she was about here so I would not be tempted to eat :)  Of course she was not able to get blood from my arm, my elbow pit so she had to take it from the top of the hand.

I guess I am going to go grab some food.  I have so much to do tomorrow, so much laundry.  I am not looking forward to it, but I suppose nobody looks forward to laundry so I am pretty normal :)

Alright, I am going to finish up some work and then relax.  Bye!!!

Starting a LLC!!

Alright!! Never thought that this would be something I would do, but here I am :) I decided to do this because I could no longer work for the company I was with and because I am working on a project I am secure enough right now to do this while I work out my long term plan. But this is supposed to be all about this project not the next one!

The first thing I did was think about a name and looked to see if it was taken. It wasn’t and neither was the domain so I decided that was it. I then looked into what it would take to start an LLC. I found several sites that would do it for you and the fees were all about the same, around $500 – $600. Those websites offered all kinds of services, but I didn’t feel comfortable with just going forward with that. I decided I would be better off starting with an accountant, not a bookkeeper a proper CPA.

To find my accountant I decided to be super simple, I googled accountants and looked for one close to my house. It tuns out that I really lucked out because he happened to be one that I had used several years ago, before I did my own taxes and he was actually supposed to be on vacation and just happened to stop by the office. I mean, things just fell into place with this and to be honest I am super happy with my choice. He was able to see me that day so I went over and we started the process.

He did all the paperwork for me to start the company and BEFORE we did that we talked about what I was expecting to bring into the business, what equipment I had to move to the business and all kinds of helpful stuff. Once he heard everything he explained the benefits to becoming an S Corp so that was what we did.

Once we were done I cane home and started to gather my items that were basically for business. These are things like my Macbook, printer, and all those things you would expect. I did this as homework while I have been waiting for my EIN number so that I can go get a business bank account. Now, I am lucky enough to have resources, my brother and dad, to fund my little startup. This is something I am also very grateful for. Neither even hesitate to help me out with a good chunk of money to keep me afloat until I could produce my first invoice.

So that is where I am, I am waiting to get my bank account and a debit or credit card for it. I really hope it comes tomorrow because I leave on Sunday for good chunks of time where I won’t be able to move forward very easily.

Hopefully I will be posting again tomorrow when I can get a bank account :)


Excuse me wild animals, but I don’t need to see you everyday! I came home today to the smell of death when I opened the front door. I asked, what is that? Parents said, smell your dogs. Gross. They found something dead to roll in and because it was so hot yesterday they had to be able to come inside so there we are. Now the first thing I have to do is bath both of them. Super Fun!! I took Dime first, she was pretty easy except she wanted to hug me so soaking wet I was. Also, my shower head is just a little bit too ling and when you turn it on while it is down it sprays straight up… Then came Nickel. Had to coax him in as well and he just kept walking in circles around me which made it very hard to get him all soaped up. Needless to say the bathroom was soaked and the dogs were still pretty wet going crazy around the house. Oh, and they still smelled pretty bad. They really could have used another bath, but I couldn’t do it, I was exhausted from it already.

Of course all the going out and for walks happened. This time we saw another snake. Please realize that this is two snakes in two days. I don’t need to see them to know that they are there. They can stay hidden and everything will be just fine. This time he was in the garage. AWESOME!

I also decided to stop by Pet Smart on the way home to get Nickel a new ball. You know, since he ate the soccer ball yesterday. Well, they didn’t have the giant tennis balls, but they did have a bigger one and I also got him a ball with a handle. This ball is rubber and like maybe 6″.

The case of the missing tennis ball… Alright, this is insane. I gave him the tennis ball and then picked it up and took the label off of it and now it has vanished. I have looked everywhere in the house, Dad has looked everywhere, and even MOM has looked everywhere and you all know if MOM can’t find it it is gone! I have also looked outside so many places. I don’t know. I am dumbfounded. It is big, like 5″ maybe. It’s hard to miss. IT CAN’T JUST VANISH!!!

Enough excitement for one night, I have a blood test tomorrow and I need to get some sleep.

Can you see the snake?
Yep, there he is!

Day 188 – Another Day of Nature…

OK, turtles are no big deal, even snapping ones but today we saw our first snake.  I have’t seen one over here in the entire 8 years we have been in the new house.  The dogs knew that they wanted to eat it, but they did come when I called them and left it alone.  By the way, it was just a black snake, nothing poisonous.

Also, Nickel’s new soccer ball came today…  I am taking guesses for how long it actually lasted!!!  Do you give up?  About 5 minutes.  I gave it to him played like 3 times and then I went to the restroom and heard the air escaping.  Yep, gone.

Nickel now has an empty water bottle.  He is loudly eating it.

We were going to go for a walk today, but I think that he is sufficiently tired himself out between the soccer ball, snake, and the bottle.

I got some of my office stuff today!  I am so excited :)  Tomorrow I need to go to the insurance guy – life insurance.  I need to find all my paperwork that he told me to bring about a week ago.  Why am I waiting until the last minute – DO YOU EVEN KNOW ME?!  Not really, I usually don’t wait till the last minute, this is a new problem for me.

Alright, I am wanting to go to bed, but really I just wanna jump in that cool shower :)  Talk to you tomorrow!!!

Attack of Killer Nickel.
Attack of Killer Nickel.
Attack of Killer Nickel.
Attack of Killer Nickel.