Making a Murderer

Making a Murderer Book Cover Making a Murderer

This is a review for the Netflix Original series Making a Murderer which was released in 2015.  It is the story of Steven Avery of Wisconsin who was imprisoned for 18 years for a sexual assault he didn't commit.  After his release, following an appeal made with the help of the Wisconsin Innocence Project, he filed a $36 million federal lawsuit as compensation and deterrent from unethical practices.  Shortly after he filed this lawsuit a woman is reported missing.  This woman was a photographer for the used car magazine Car Trader.  She was last known to be out on locations to take pictures of vehicles and one of those places was to Steven's house.   Shortly after she was reported missing, Steven was arrested.

I already like documentaries, but this one was very well done.  This is by far the longest real documentary I have watched clocking in at 10 episodes averaging out at about an hour each.

It basically walks through the trial including parts of his nephew's trial as well.  The nephew had provided a taped confession to helping Steven with the murder.  I don't really know how to review this without providing spoilers so if you are reading this and don't want to know what happens, stop reading now :)

I did resist reading about this while I was watching so I formed an idea about how it was going to pan out and let me just say that I was shocked.  Just the idea that he has spent 18 years in jail is crazy and then for him to be convicted of this murder with such poor evidence.  There are so many things that don't make sense it is almost comical.  First the woman's throat was supposed to have been cut while she was restrained on a bed in Steven's trailer.  Yet they found zero blood or any of her DNA in the trailer.  Now this man has a very low IQ and so does his nephew, so I think it is really unlikely that they could pull something off like this with no traces found.  And  the evidence that they did have was really crazy careless compared to the bedroom.  Needless to say I believe these men were convicted of crimes they did not commit.  Also, all their appeals for anything have been declined - crazy!

This is getting a lot of media attention now that this documentary has been released and I believe we will see something happen with this case in the near future.  My opinion is that they most likely did not commit this murder and are in jail unjustly.

Additional Comments

So it has been about a week since I wrote this review and this show has gone viral. I can't believe it is all over the news, everyone is talking about it. It really was that good and it certainly seems that there was something very wrong going on in this county. I urge anyone reading this to watch it and see for yourselves. That's all, just wanted to add that it was going crazy!

Love Stuff

Love Stuff Book Cover Love Stuff
Elle King

This is a review of the entire album Love Stuff by Elle King!!

I have not yet reviewed the entire album, but the song Exs & Ohs is extremely catchy and very happy.  I listen to it almost every day on my way to and from work.  It always makes me smile :)