Day 58 – The Day of the Fire Ombre

I got my hair done today and I am loving it!!!!  I will post pictures below.

Paul and Carlos came over, but I didn’t have anything for them to do really except I was tasked with going to a new restaurant in Middleburg and report on the food.  So we did and here it is: Farmhouse Chicken & Donuts

Then it was time to go to my hair appointment.  It was at 15:45 and I didn’t get out of there until 19:00!!  But I love the way it came out.

This is the before!!
This is the before!!
How much hair she cut off - well most of it, she did another round a little later.
How much hair she cut off – well most of it, she did another round a little later.
Me and my hair dresser after she did and awesome job on my hair - lover her :)
Me and my hair dresser after she did and awesome job on my hair – lover her :)


Farmhouse Chicken & Donuts – Middleburg, FL

Farmhouse Chicken & Donuts
2475 Blanding Blvd #7, Middleburg, FL 32068

This place was AMAZING!!!!  We got a couple things and they were all very good.  They were:

  • Redd Foxx
  • Apple Fritter

The Redd Foxx is a fried chicken breast on a glaze donut bun.  It comes with wedges or fries and we all got wedges.  These wedges were amazing in their own right.  The chicken breast was slightly dry, but the glaze on the donut got caramelized and that was super good.  You could tell that the donuts were made fresh, they just have a much better taste then something like DD or KK.

The apple fritters were excellent as well.  They were a little too big but has very good flavor.  The only thing to note is that I did not get any pieces of actual apple.  But, for me, that makes it perfect!!!  I actually don't love cooked fruit so, again, it was great.  I usually cook them in the microwave for 30 second and it heats it up just enough.  The glaze is like what was on the donut and it is a little sweeter than I have found at other places, but not overboard.

Now, the bad news...  If you want to eat you must get there very close to when they open.  Also, the seating arrangement is very tight and not too many tables, I think there were 6.  We actually got ours to go so we didn't have to worry too much about it.  Also, it did take a good bit of time to get the food.

Day 57 – The First Loot Crate Day

I got my first LootCrate today!!  It is basically a box of stuff.  It’s nothing crazy, it’s just fun.

So, had a couple funny things today.  I downloaded the Face Swap Live app on my phone and did it with my coworkers – it was so funny.  I will post them below.  Then when I get home I have been told of Nickel’s latest craziness.  He has taken my hand weights as toys – he is playing with a 6 pound weight like it is a rag doll.  He is so funny, luckily he has not torn them up, but it is proof that he must not be left with things that you care about.

I downloaded an example business plan for a rental property to try to work on that a little bit.  Again, I am basically having a learning experience and not really too concerned about convincing people to agree to it.  I mean the goal is to present something that they would agree to invest in, but that doesn’t mean that it is going to happen.

Alright, going to get to work on it.  Let me get these pictures uploaded first.

Me and Michael Face Swap!!
Me and Michael Face Swap!!
Me and Alex Face Swap!!
Me and Alex Face Swap!!

Day 56 – The Day of the Tiny House

So the project that I want to do is a tiny house to rent out.  Not to rent out to a live in family but like on Airbnb.  So we would have this extra space for people to stay and when we can rent it out on a place like Airbnb.  I am going to do all the research and come up with a business plan to see if this is something that could even work out here.  I am not 100% sure that we can split the property even, but again, this is all part of the research.  At this point I am just enjoying the idea of planning it out and I am not going to be heart broken if it can’t be done.

Also, the internet is down right now which really sucks because I had work I wanted to do tonight and now I can’t.  It has been being weird lately and now just completely out.  I am so happy I get to call them :(

I almost forgot the best part of the day…  Nickel has decided to destroy Penny’s bed.  Here is the aftermath of that – enjoy!

Nickel's handy work.
Nickel’s handy work.
And this is some more of his handy work.
And this is some more of his handy work.
But he was so handsome this morning, what happened?
But he was so handsome this morning, what happened?


Day 55 – The Day of the Great Storm

Today was supposed to be bands and bands of bad storms here and when it was time for me to go to work it looked horrible out and started to pour so I decided to work from home.  By like 10:00 or maybe even 09:30 the sun was out like nothing ever happened.  The winds are still very high, but so beautiful out.

I just ordered me the last of the crates I need to finish my project, they should be here in the next couple days so I can get it done this weekend.  That should get everything off my floor and somewhat organized :)

I ordered an extra one to be a toy box for the dogs toys – lets see if I can get them to put them up when they are done!  That can’t be that hard to teach them.

I took my dad to get his hair cut today and I hadn’t realized just how long his hair was – wow!!!!

I opened the window today thinking the dogs would like it but they could have cared less.  They have been so bad lately barking in the house.  Nickel is getting more aggressive – I have got to get that under control.  I should rephrase that to he has been more of a bully.

No pictures today it is amazing how hard it is to take at least one a day.

Alright gonna go to bed now it’s already late and while I keep yawning I can’t seem to fall asleep.

Day 54 – The Day of Gas

So I walked outside this afternoon to let the dog out and it smelled like gasoline.  Walk around the house and the tank of the black car is leaking.  So spent a good bit of time dealing with that and it is still leaking now.

Got a couple packages today, more of the magnetic chargers for the phones and also stuff to bath the puppies – very good stuff.

I got some good pictures of the puppies today, they are so stinking cute :)

This little angel is sleeping on the window :)
This little angel is sleeping on the window :)

Day 53 – The Day of the Surprise Package

Today I got a package that I didn’t order – I promise :)  Apple sent replacement USB-C cables because the original ones were having some issues.  I personally have not experienced it so that is good, but good on you Apple for being pro-active!!

I had a couple hours more work on the project I was working on last night, crazy.  And I had two other people helping me!

I didn’t order my additional crates today because I was trying to spend enough to not pay for shipping but was having trouble with the last like $5.

I am really tired today and I am unsure why.  I did and have been sleeping much better so I am just confused.  I am going to skip taking the sleep aid tonight and see how it goes.  I think it will be fine, I have been feeling a little bit different.

Next week I am starting back on the treadmill.  I am doing it next week because I am still clearing stuff out of my room so I can actually lower the thing.  I will get a couple weeks in and then back to the personal trainer.

No pictures today, well actually let me just take one really quick of me and my helper :)

Me and my helper :)
Me and my helper :)

Day 52 – The Day it was too Early to Decide What Kind of Day it is :)

Well, I am starting this blog so early that I haven’t decided what kind of day it is.  As usual on Sunday I am doing laundry.  I really really want to move some pictures today, but they are in such a place that it is going to be a bit difficult for me to do it by myself.

I need to clean the dog blanket, but I am getting a bit concerned about washing it so much.  I think I am going to try my new vacuum on it and see how that works.  It is mostly a bunch of hair that makes it look so bad.

I think I am going to hang my backpacks, that shouldn’t be too hard and I can just do it with some screws right now and decide it I want to put actual hooks later.   Yep, I think I am going to do that right now :)

Alright it is now 16:12 and I feel like I got a ton done.  I did laundry, well still doing it, moved my pictures, hung my backpacks, put the dog cover in the car, and changed my windshield wipers!!!!  Now I am kinda vegging listening Adele and looking on Amazon for some stuff.  Need to get some more dog shampoo and I am going to see if they have like a towel specifically to dry them and also something to put over my drain to catch all the hair.  These Blue Heelers shed worse than people.  Their coat is probably shedding with this crazy weather so it might not always be this bad.

New picture arrangement - I am really loving it :)
New picture arrangement – I am really loving it :)

Day 51 – Another Day of Crates

We did so much today with finishing my room.  It is so close, I got the last row of 3 put up and we also put the one in the bathroom and the printer stand up!!  Paul always helps so much I am so happy he comes out :)

I think I need to put one more in the bathroom and then I am really done :)

I got a new comforter because the new duvet I got just wasn’t working with the dogs.  I am not sure what the deal was, it was so much worse then than the other one I had.  I am currently washing my bedsheets so that I can make it and sleep on nice clean sheets tonight.  With these dogs I have got to wash the sheets – everything – every week.  If I could I should probably do it a couple times a week.  It’s just too much work.

We are making fish for dinner, of course we have to wait for it to actually get here.  I think I am going to move some pictures around tonight and try to re-hang my hard hats.

Here are some pictures from today – enjoy :)

The three rows of crates - this is all for this wall - I think :)
The three rows of crates – this is all for this wall – I think :)
Bathroom crate – I think I am going to do one more above for toilet paper and towels.
Printer crate :)
Printer crate :)


Day 50 – The Day of Pictures

Had a great day at work today.  I have a ton of work to do this weekend but that is OK, cause I am gonna get it done!!

I stopped at Home Depot on the way home and got the couple supplies I needed for tomorrow’s project with Paul :)  I also stopped at Target to get some supplies for my craft project.  I have some pictures of the rough draft of it.  I am not sure that I am 100% happy with it, but I am going to let it be there for a little bit and see.

I talked with my co-workers today about an idea and I can’t wait to work on it a little bit, even if it doesn’t turn into anything, it will be good practice.  Will tell more about it later.  It really is more about creating a productive plan.

Tomorrow is one step closer to being complete with my room remodel :)

Close up of a couple of the pictures from West Virginia.
Close up of a couple of the pictures from West Virginia.
Rough draft of the project. I am not sure I am 100% sold, but we will see.
Rough draft of the project. I am not sure I am 100% sold, but we will see.
Been waiting for this and I promptly messed it up, but I think it isn't too noticeable.
Been waiting for this and I promptly messed it up, but I think it isn’t too noticeable.