Day 86 – The Day I Got My Hair Did :)

I love love love love getting my hair done of course.  It turned out so well and I am so happy.  I also got me a couple new clothing items and used all my coupons and spent 9 cents!!!!

The puppies were being very good today, but when I got home I noticed my room was a wreck and Nickel’s toy box was missing…  I finally found it and it was demolished.  He is amazing.

I stopped at Publix on my way home and grabbed me a pizza for dinner and ice cream – for reasons :)

I got some stuff today, new lens for my iphone and I also got some stuff for the puppy crate, trying to get Dime a “safe” place to stay.  So far I am not sure who likes it better.

I wish I had more to add but I am just so tired that I want to go to bed.

Day 85 – Another Day of The Dog

The dogs had a good day today.  And I say good, but really it was an all about the dog day.  They are getting crazier and crazier.  I had to take Nickel out for a walk about 20:00 because he was so crazy.  I took him to a shopping center and we walked around.  It was good because there was a lot of noises he hadn’t heard and he did really good on the leash and we stopped and sat at the crosswalks.  Love that puppy.  I didn’t take Dime as well just because they acted so opposite at the vet which is the other time they were out so I am a little nervous.  I will take her for sure cause she also needs the exposure.

I spent a lot of time on the website today too and I took a great nap!

I know, such exciting things :)  Keep reading :)

The Story of the Wooden Desk

I wanted to explain the desk project here, I am going to back date this so that it shows up at the bottom of the project, but in reality it all started about 7 years ago.  I had it on the old website – a bit more information, but I will try to just remember.  I got the wood from a place just south of Waldo and it was just long planks.  They were rough planed and the bottom of course was just the tree, bark and all.

I got them home and did nothing with them for like 4 years.  I finally started on it and basically stripped all the bark off the bottom and I sanded it by hand on that side.  My brother and dad helped as usual on all my projects :)  Then we started on the top.  Sanding and sanding and sanding.  We broke the sander my dad had for like 40 years and went through so many belts.  Then came time to put the planks together.  It didn’t go as well as I had hoped.

I got Carlos over here last weekend to help get some additional motivation to get it done.  I also got the pieces to mount to the top so that I can secure it to the wall and ceiling.  It won’t be on the floor at all.  I am so happy it is coming along so well.  Here is the album.


Archer Book Cover Archer
Action Animation

I was very late getting into this show even though I had been wanting to watch it for a long time.  I think I have only seen though season 5 and I have probably watched the entire set of seasons about 50 times.  I watch it all the time at the house.  I have it on most of the time just in the background.  It is a great show.  There are a couple very annoying sounds that they continue to use in the episodes, but other than that it is hilarious :)  I certainly recommend this to anyone who likes animated series.

I can not wait to see the seasons that I haven't yet.  I think I would say my favorite character in the show is actually Archer, but that is kinda because I just like his voice.  I also watch Bob's Burgers which he also voices.

Watch it if you haven't :)

Day 84 – The Last Day Of The Short Week

Today was the last work day this week and it felt great!!!!!  I got a lot done this week really for it being a short week.

The puppies were very happy to see me when I got home, I just love them dogs :)

I am getting my hair done this weekend which always makes me so very happy.  I am not sure I am doing anything crazy this time, last time was pretty drastic.  I am loving how the color stayed in, we were just unsure how that was going to go.

I think me and my dad are going to go get some rocks tomorrow for the driveway.  So the little monsters don’t escape.  I mean dogs – gosh, where did that come from :)

I am going to do some website stuff tonight, like move over the recipes and stuff.  Alright – have a great day!!!!!

Day 83 – The Day Nickel Helped Unpack Amazon Packages

Nickel is always getting into stuff that he shouldn’t.  I mean I guess that is just his breed.  He always like when I open packages, I think he thinks they are always for him.  I at least give him the boxes – no harm in that :)

I am going to take my mom to her meeting tonight so I am gonna have to wait a long time to take my meds – they put me to sleep pretty well.  I wish I had something to do in the hour that she is going to be there but I just don’t.

I had a good day at work and I got to talk to a good friend today so that made me happy.

I am now eating me some ice cream and then going to get food after I drop my mom off :)

I asked my two coworkers if they wanted to participate in the picture a day and they said yes!  So we will see how this goes :)

Now I am going to watch some YouTube and then just chill :)

Nickel opening packages.
Nickel opening packages.

Day 82 – The Day of the Nap

Today I felt so bad that I came home early from work and slept for most of the afternoon.  I am getting so worn out from not being able to sleep to sleeping and being tired all the time to having all the feels and then no feels.  I did good in the afternoon with the doggies and then not so good when it came to bed time.  I just got done taking them out and playing tennis for a while.  They need it EVERYDAY!!!!  We had leftovers for dinner and it was good.

My mom fell in the kitchen tonight.  She didn’t call out for me, but I heard it and came out.  She was almost crying then she said – Diana, someone has my ice cream!  So her number one priority is ice cream and then herself.  The ice cream was fine by the way, mom on the other hand was a bit banged up.  Hurt knee, scraped up toes and also a bad scrape on her arm.  She tripped on the dog.  She needs to be more careful :)

Alright, I am going to go to bed – Goodnight :)

Day 81 – The Day of Frozen

It was so stinking cold today!!!  What happened?  It went from like 80 yesterday to like 44 today.  I don’t get it :)  I had a good demo this morning for work and the whole day was actually busy, so many phone calls.  I did take my coworker out to lunch cause he holds down the fort so well.  We went to a burger place and I had a veggie burger – it was pretty good.

I walked with my other coworker this afternoon, didn’t go very far, but something is better than nothing :)

I forgot to take my meds this morning and boy could I tell today.  I was very fidgety and I didn’t like it at all!!  I also forgot my laptop this morning so I was going to try to edit my video a little bit at lunch, but that went out the window, it was all good though cause we did need the break :)

I am actually getting very excited for April to start so that I can take my pictures per day and just the other day I was dreading it!!!!

Now that I have all my new plugins I really need to finish more of my reviews, recipes, and book reviews.  I get so excited when things start coming together like this.  I feel like I have not had good blogs lately, but I promise it will get better :)

Oh, I may be going to Chicago area in April and that is something I love :)

Alright, all done for today – goodnight :)

Day 80 – The Day of the Website Overhaul

Today I spent all morning doing laundry, my bedding, and this afternoon/evening I have been doing my real laundry.  Now all in between that I have been adding plugins to my website.  I got one for book reviews, one for recipes, and one for product reviews.  I need to still look for one for movies and then I will have pretty nicely formatted articles or posts for those.  The only bad thing about the recipe one is that it will not publish to twitter / facebook like the other ones.  I have yet to try the product review though.  And I just got the book review tool do the movies too :)

Got so much done today on this I feel pretty good about it.  I am a bit tired of sitting in this chair, but just another day of work :)

Trying to figure out what’s for dinner.  May have to go get something, we are really running low on some of the “easy” stuff.  Next weekend I guess I will make some chicken or something because my dad has been asking for cornbread and mac and cheese for like weeks now!  Egg sandwiches, that was what was for dinner.

Alright, I am going to call it quits for today

Nickel bit me while we were playing tennis.  DIdn't mean to, but still hurts.
Nickel bit me while we were playing tennis. DIdn’t mean to, but still hurts.


Day 79 – The Day That Was Lazy

I did not feel good this morning and have just not had any real motivation to do anything today.  I wanted to hang a couple things, but I am not sure if I will.  I would rather lay down and take a nap :)

Paul helped set my mini up so that I can get to my network drives and stuff so that was great and also I messed with a couple of the pages on the site as well.  Really wanna do that picture a day challenge, if you will.  I want to start in April – why, April, just cause :)

Alright, gonna lay down and see what happens 😉

Well, that didn’t go as planned.  I laid down, but never did go to sleep.  The dogs were being very upset because they didn’t really get to play.  So I got up and played with them and Nickel got a little too excited and bit the crap out of my arm.  Now I am up and hurting and mom just got home so that will be good.  They need to calm down just a little bit before I let them out of my room to see her though.  I think I might let one out at a time.

OK, I made a schedule of things to take pictures of for April.  This was hard.  I am not sure when I will get to the other months…  I think I will add this to the page and remove the memo as I upload the image.  Here is the page: A Picture A Day