Day 95 – A Day of User Error

OK, I just got an email back on a help email I sent that clearly shows that I am a typical crazy user.  I purchased a lens for my iPhone and it had these black shades on the corners.  Um, how about I screw it all the way on, AMAZING :)

So anyway, everyone forgot about taking the pictures of the day so we decided to allow tonight to be catchup and get back on track.  So I had just spent 45 minutes in the woods and saw no birds.  Should have been a simple task.  I saw one bird and by the time I snapped the pic, you could not tell that it was a bird.  Now, the other ones I missed: Selfie – easy, Map – also easy, and  Stars – I think this is easy, we will see.

I will upload them all to this calendar: Picture a Day

I managed to spill a whole container of cleaner this morning while I was trying to get Nickel to stop destroying his toybox.  Just what I wanted…  Had to clean it up half awake and then shower and really hope to get rid of the smell.  I am happy to say I think I succeeded in getting rid of the smell.  At least I didn’t smell it :)

Dad and I went over what to do with the desk, just have to sand it some more and then we will be good.

I am just going to relax and head to bed soon :)


Day 94 – The Day NOTHING Was Accomplished

Another day of feeling no motivation.  I hat this…  About the only thing I did today was helped Samantha try to find a hair style for her wedding.  I am in charge of doing that and I don’t even do my own hair so we decided to try some simple braids.  After watching some YouTube videos I think I have it.  We watched several and then one on braiding bread.  Very interesting :)

Dinner, that is pizza – always the default.  Mom and I went to the store after she got back from her meeting.

Nothing else, man am I interesting or what?!

Day 93 – The Shopping Day

Today Paul came out, it is just him this weekend.  It was threatening to rain basically all day so him and I went to the store.    First we went to Best Buy and then Target and then Home Depot.  Best Buy was just to look at tvs and soundbars.  I think I am going to get one if I sell this car.  The next stop was to get some bins for my crates and a frame for the picture I got Paul.  Then, Home Depot, the last stop was where we were getting desk parts.  I got basically the other side that will mount to the desk, another set of what I already had.

Mom had said she wanted spaghetti today so that is what we made for dinner.  Luckily I had some leftover sauce so I didn’t have to make that, I just added some meat to it :)

Oh, I forgot we went to JC Penney too!  Man, just like I forgot while we were driving :)  I had to exchange some things.

That is pretty much it for today.

The Workouts

Day 92 – The Day of the Fools of April

Today I was home sick again…  This is really more an issue with medicine change and less “sick” I think.  I am very very tired and just can’t seem to get it going.

I literally slept all day and then when I thought mom was going to go with me we were going to go to the store and she decided not to so BACK TO BED I GO :)

That is it for today!  Wow, not good.

I would say that I was the fool :)

The Workouts

Day 91 – The Last Day

OK, today is the last day of junk food and the last day that I let myself continue to be affected by my bad experience.  I will get this going tomorrow.  I will get on the treadmill and I will start to be better to myself!!

I ate all my junk yesterday and today.  I will make sure that I have better choices here.

I should have gone to the store tonight, but instead I am going to go play tennis with the puppies :) making good choices :)

I guess I need to start a calendar to show progress on the new start, guess I will go play and then do that tonight before I go to bed to have it ready for tomorrow!!!!

Day 90 – The Last Day of Panda Express

Tonight I went to get Panda Express for the last time before my restrictions / diet change, whatever you wanna call it.  How about just being healthier :)  I did get something for tomorrow lunch / dinner.

I watched most of the new season of Archer, well the one that was just released on Netflix.  It was pretty good.  I am really loving this show :)

I played tennis with the puppies and they, as usual were giving 110% at it.  I had to stop because they both were trying to catch the ball after bouncing it on the carport and like fell on their sides.  They just go all out :)

I was supposed to go to a lunch thing with work and I just couldn’t make it and I feel really bad for it.  I should have just gone but it was a bit social and I was anxious about it.  Funny how that works.

As usual that’s it for today and catch you tomorrow :)

Day 89 – The Day TSA Saved My Life

Today I was at the REDI Center for CSX doing a training class and I had decided to be fancy.  I wore big girl shoes and that was a huge mistake.  Huge, like gigantic.  I could barely stand during my class and once I got to the airport I went to Brighton and purchased a pair of $40.00 flip flops – AMAZING!

TSA gave me pre-check so not only did I not have to unpack my 2 laptops I didn’t have to take off my jacket, belt, shoes, AND empty my water bottle.  Yes you heard me correctly, they let you keep the liquid in your bottle – how crazy is that?

Needless to say I am still hurting really badly, but not as much as I would be so there is a plus :)

Can’t wait to get home to see the folks and the puppies – and maybe I will write more, but most likely not.