Day 94 – The Day NOTHING Was Accomplished

Another day of feeling no motivation.  I hat this…  About the only thing I did today was helped Samantha try to find a hair style for her wedding.  I am in charge of doing that and I don’t even do my own hair so we decided to try some simple braids.  After watching some YouTube videos I think I have it.  We watched several and then one on braiding bread.  Very interesting :)

Dinner, that is pizza – always the default.  Mom and I went to the store after she got back from her meeting.

Nothing else, man am I interesting or what?!

Day 93 – The Shopping Day

Today Paul came out, it is just him this weekend.  It was threatening to rain basically all day so him and I went to the store.    First we went to Best Buy and then Target and then Home Depot.  Best Buy was just to look at tvs and soundbars.  I think I am going to get one if I sell this car.  The next stop was to get some bins for my crates and a frame for the picture I got Paul.  Then, Home Depot, the last stop was where we were getting desk parts.  I got basically the other side that will mount to the desk, another set of what I already had.

Mom had said she wanted spaghetti today so that is what we made for dinner.  Luckily I had some leftover sauce so I didn’t have to make that, I just added some meat to it :)

Oh, I forgot we went to JC Penney too!  Man, just like I forgot while we were driving :)  I had to exchange some things.

That is pretty much it for today.

The Workouts

Day 92 – The Day of the Fools of April

Today I was home sick again…  This is really more an issue with medicine change and less “sick” I think.  I am very very tired and just can’t seem to get it going.

I literally slept all day and then when I thought mom was going to go with me we were going to go to the store and she decided not to so BACK TO BED I GO :)

That is it for today!  Wow, not good.

I would say that I was the fool :)

The Workouts

Day 91 – The Last Day

OK, today is the last day of junk food and the last day that I let myself continue to be affected by my bad experience.  I will get this going tomorrow.  I will get on the treadmill and I will start to be better to myself!!

I ate all my junk yesterday and today.  I will make sure that I have better choices here.

I should have gone to the store tonight, but instead I am going to go play tennis with the puppies :) making good choices :)

I guess I need to start a calendar to show progress on the new start, guess I will go play and then do that tonight before I go to bed to have it ready for tomorrow!!!!

Day 90 – The Last Day of Panda Express

Tonight I went to get Panda Express for the last time before my restrictions / diet change, whatever you wanna call it.  How about just being healthier :)  I did get something for tomorrow lunch / dinner.

I watched most of the new season of Archer, well the one that was just released on Netflix.  It was pretty good.  I am really loving this show :)

I played tennis with the puppies and they, as usual were giving 110% at it.  I had to stop because they both were trying to catch the ball after bouncing it on the carport and like fell on their sides.  They just go all out :)

I was supposed to go to a lunch thing with work and I just couldn’t make it and I feel really bad for it.  I should have just gone but it was a bit social and I was anxious about it.  Funny how that works.

As usual that’s it for today and catch you tomorrow :)

Day 89 – The Day TSA Saved My Life

Today I was at the REDI Center for CSX doing a training class and I had decided to be fancy.  I wore big girl shoes and that was a huge mistake.  Huge, like gigantic.  I could barely stand during my class and once I got to the airport I went to Brighton and purchased a pair of $40.00 flip flops – AMAZING!

TSA gave me pre-check so not only did I not have to unpack my 2 laptops I didn’t have to take off my jacket, belt, shoes, AND empty my water bottle.  Yes you heard me correctly, they let you keep the liquid in your bottle – how crazy is that?

Needless to say I am still hurting really badly, but not as much as I would be so there is a plus :)

Can’t wait to get home to see the folks and the puppies – and maybe I will write more, but most likely not.

Day 88 – The Day of Tilt Shift

I wanted to take some tilt shift pictures and downloaded a free app to do it, but I don’t think it is the best.  Maybe I will try a pay version or something else but I thought downtown would look good.  For those who don’t know this is the kind of picture where everything looks like a scaled model.

I got my map today and put it up.  I am not 100% happy with it, but I am going to leave it alone for now and will take a picture when I have it finished.

I am headed to Atlanta tomorrow for a presentation and am pretty excited about it actually.  I always like being in front of the users and showing them new things and we have a lot of new ideas to tell them.  I think it is gong to go well.

Alright, I am going to jump in the shower and make sure I am ready for this trip – because I do have to get up early :)

Looking towards the Main Street bridge
Looking towards the Main Street bridge
Looking away from the river.
Looking away from the river.

Day 87 – The Day of the Desk

Today was a great day!!  My brother Carlos came over today to help me and my dad make some progress on my desk.  It’s not that he is an expert, but it was some much needed motivation.  I also made sure that I could get the treadmill down to start my running on April 1!!!  I made a calendar and got my sticker up and am just excited.  The only thing I didn’t do today that I should have was washing my bed clothes.  I am going to give in and get a second set and be done with it.

I got my dad to help me this morning to get the door off of the cage in hopes that Dime will actually seek refuge in there from when Nickel is beating up on her.  I think she has been in there several times and Nickel has pulled the bed out several times so I just don’t know what to do with these crazy beasts :)

I now have a lot more sanding to do on the desk, which is fine, but it is hard work.  I need to get me some more masks so I don’t die from all that dust.  Thank goodness it is a soft wood or I would not be able to handle it.  I am going to add a page just for the desk project so I can keep better track of that.  Here is a link to the Projects page and just look for: Wooden Desk.

I can’t remember if I had said, but yesterday I got my new lens for my iphone and I can’t wait to start using it.  April will definitely  be the time since I will be doing the photo a day project.  Oh that reminds me I should probably move that to that page too :)

Now, some pictures :)


Wooden Desk Project - Top with mounts
Wooden Desk Project – Top with mounts