Day 101 – Sunday, We All Know What Day That Is

CLEANING DAY!!!!! I have finished sweeping and mopping my bedroom, have not tackled the bathroom yet, but will be doing that today too, I think. I am washing bedding now and then the rest of my clothes and then DONE!!

Oh, I am supposed to dye Samantha’s hair today too. I don’t know when we are going to get that done.

I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, I think that finishes those up, don’t need them in the house for a while :)

I am trying to figure out what to eat for lunch, for a split second there I wanted pizza, but I don’t think so now :) Funny how mood changes just like that.

I am sitting down right not to do Samantha’s hair. Let the long process begin :)

I think it turned out good, but she didn’t dry it before she left so I am not 100% sure.

I just made dad some beenie weenies which is what we were all supposed to have for dinner except me and mom spoiled our dinner by eating lunch so late – oh well!!

Alright, I still have a load of clothes in the dryer and one in the washer so I am gonna wrap this up and get things done! Goodnight :)

Day 100 – Such a Day!!!

Today was a big day. I sold one of my cars today. It is bitter sweet. I am happy to see that the kid wants to get it running and drive it and have as much fun as I did with it, but I am sad to see it go. I am also happy for the money that brings :)

Samantha, Becky, Mom, and Me went to the mall today to get a dress for me for her wedding (Samantha’s). After that we grabbed food – mall food, it doesn’t get much crappier :) Then I needed to get my jewelry inspected and I had told mom I would buy her one of those charms where the stone in the middle shacks – like it’s called heartbeat or something. Anyway, she found one she wanted and it wasn’t too expensive so that is great. I also got me another set of stud earrings a little bit smaller than the ones I got for my birthday. I love them :)

I am going to order that TV and mount and stuff this week. I am very excited, I hope it looks OK and not crazy.

Mom and I were so tired when we got back from the shopping, it was crazy. I am not sure why, maybe it was just overwhelming how many people and how much stuff we had looked at.

Alright, gonna call it a night now.

Day 99 – The Day of 5 Yards of Rock

Well, we got 5 yards of lime rock delivered today to build up the driveway a good bit under the gate. Nickel and Dime can go under it, really I believe that Dime is the only one I have seen go under, but I am sure that Nickel would too. Tomorrow we get to spread it out although the driver did a good job of spreading it out when he was dumping it.

I just got done playing with them outside – tennis. I always play with them until I think that they really need to be resting. I am really afraid of Nickel hurting himself, he is panting like crazy right now. I think I am going to get a little kid pool for them here soon because I think that they will enjoy it and hopefully help keep them cooler.

I got some stuff today that I had ordered on Amazon. One was dog whistles, I think that this might help with correcting the puppies. In that same box I also got these like needle nose tweezers that I can use to pull fuzz out of my necklace. I just spent about 20 minutes doing just that and I think it is mostly done :)

I had a great day at work today. Like I had said the other day, I have felt very accomplished when I finish meetings. Maybe because there isn’t really tasks to check off in my job, meeting give me a sense of completion.

OK, gonna do some random pages on the site and finish looking at some other things. Have a great day!!

Day 98 – A Day in The Chair

Today I worked from the house because I had something that I had to do with my dad and after that was done, I spent the whole rest of the day sitting at my desk. I think I will be going to bed soon, but man!

I am very close to selling one of my cars and I am thinking about getting a TV with some of the money. I want a 50″ because it is going to be on the other end of my bed. I need to get a mount from Amazon though before I get it. Or I can get it and then order the mount. I think it would be good to get it this weekend since Paul and Carlos will be here and one of them can help get it and bring it in the house :)

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day at work so I am going to head to bed – Goodnight :)

I Have Never Forgotten You: The Life and Legacy of Simon Wiesenthal

I Have Never Forgotten You: The Life and Legacy of Simon Wiesenthal Book Cover I Have Never Forgotten You: The Life and Legacy of Simon Wiesenthal
Richard Trank

This is hands down the best documentary I have ever seen. The cinematography and narration were just perfect. The subject matter, finding these war criminals and trying to have them held accountable for their horrible actions. The early half of the 20th century is probably the time that I am most fascinated with. And this part, World War 2, is something that people just must not forget.

What Simon Wiesenthal went through, being a survivor of a concentration camp only to live the remainder of his life devoted to the people who didn't survive and who did survive. If you watch other documentaries about concentration camp survivors what I have seen is that they never discuss this with children or others in general. It was such a traumatic time that they would rather just forget. It is so much harder to do what he did.

I suggest that you watch this documentary. Again, at the very least it is the best made documentary I have ever watched all on it's own.

Day 97 – The Day Happiness Is and Sadness Is

First, let’s cover the sadness – mainly because it really isn’t that bad :)

Sadness is:

  1. Thinking that the update for your radio will add some version of CarPlay…
  2. Having issues using a mouse on your computer :(

Happiness is:

  1. Seeing your folks!
  2. Seeing and playing with the puppies!!
  3. Being lucky enough to have a car with a nifty touch screen radio and all kinds of bells and whistles!
  4. Being lucky enough to have computers and a mouse with bluetooth!!

OK, where did this idea come from?  I have a calendar, like a page a day one and it is called Happiness Is and gives examples.  Some are good and some are strange, but today’s is making a list of all the places you want to visit.  This is a great idea!!!  I challenge anyone reading this to do that and I will start here with some of the places I want to visit :)

  1. Biltmore
  2. London
  3. Paris
  4. Venice
  5. Rome
  6. Mount Rushmore
  7. Niagara Falls
  8. One World Trade Center
  9. Petra
  10. Neuschwanstein Castle
  11. Predjamski Castle
  12. Great Wall of China

OK, now I have been lucky enough to already have visited a lot of amazing places that would be on this list.  In fact making this list has helped me realize just how lucky I am :)  Also, there are tons tons tons of small little places that I end up going to that would not normally make a list like this but I am so happy I was able to visit there.  For example, Huntington, WV.  This place is just a nice town and I happened to visit at the exact right time.  The leaves were turning and you just couldn’t have asked for better luck.  This is exactly the same thing that happened when I went to Alaska for work and my brother came along for us to vacation after.  There were flowers in bloom everywhere and it was just great!

Alright, time to watch something entertaining to wind down and do other pages on this site :)  Goodnight :)

Day 96 – The Day I Realized People Read My Blog!!

Um, I decided to add links to my blogs because I was like, well, lets see if anyone reads it and maybe gets something out of it.  Well, today I had a friend tell me that she was reading my blogs and I was so happy to hear it!!

I see people like the Facebook posts, but I don’t know people like stuff all the time that they don’t really read – I AM JUST SO HAPPY :)  I added a page that has all the blogs on a single link, but it still separates in into pages for anyone who is interested.  It is a Spotlight page :)

Let’s get onto today :)  Today work felt very productive and I was happy with the work / information shared.  I learned stuff and contributed, what more can you ask for.  I stayed later because my sister wanted me to go with her to her meeting at her church with her wedding planner person and that was close to downtown.  I went over there and that went well.  I was a little bit shocked to see how into she was :)  In all honesty it’s only because I am the total opposite.

I am not the type of person to ever have a proper wedding.  I have never wanted that and never thought that it was important.  I wonder why that is.  Oh well, to each’s own :)

I was supposed to eat with them after the wedding planner thing, but I really wanted to get home to play with the puppies.  It was dark, but we played for a good bit.  It was nice that it was cooler because these dogs go 110% and I am a little concerned with how summer is going to be.  I am thinking that we will have to have a little like pool for them, but that is going to be so MESSY :)

I have got to get the video up of them playing.  Carlos took it with a drone so it looks pretty cool.  Just need to spend time on it.  Also, as usual, need to spend time on my desk…  LIFE!!!

Already 21:00 so I am going to wrap this up and head to bed.  Goodnight all :)

Day 95 – A Day of User Error

OK, I just got an email back on a help email I sent that clearly shows that I am a typical crazy user.  I purchased a lens for my iPhone and it had these black shades on the corners.  Um, how about I screw it all the way on, AMAZING :)

So anyway, everyone forgot about taking the pictures of the day so we decided to allow tonight to be catchup and get back on track.  So I had just spent 45 minutes in the woods and saw no birds.  Should have been a simple task.  I saw one bird and by the time I snapped the pic, you could not tell that it was a bird.  Now, the other ones I missed: Selfie – easy, Map – also easy, and  Stars – I think this is easy, we will see.

I will upload them all to this calendar: Picture a Day

I managed to spill a whole container of cleaner this morning while I was trying to get Nickel to stop destroying his toybox.  Just what I wanted…  Had to clean it up half awake and then shower and really hope to get rid of the smell.  I am happy to say I think I succeeded in getting rid of the smell.  At least I didn’t smell it :)

Dad and I went over what to do with the desk, just have to sand it some more and then we will be good.

I am just going to relax and head to bed soon :)