The Real Starting Point

Today I went ahead and made my weight loss goal. I am 5’2″ and I currently weigh 190 pounds. I want to weigh around 125 pounds – that is a 65 pound weight loss.

That sounds crazy to hear, I think if you know me it might sound crazy to you that I feel like I need to lose that many pounds. Well, it is what it is. 125 pounds for someone my height is not going to be skin and bones. When I was in high school I weighed around 115 and I always thought that I was a little fat. I don’t ever remember being “happy” with my weight, with a crazy flip side that I don’t feel this fat. Right now, I do. I know I have gone overboard with my diet the last couple months and I feel the consequences. Which is why I am laying it down like this – after I just ate some ice cream…

I was supposed to start working out this month and I did the treadmill once. That was it, just once. Why – I don’t know. I just lack motivation so much that it feels like it cripples me.

I have to start making progress in the downward direction before I get too far gone. I hope to be able to post updates that are positive on here and not more sob stories. I may try to find a doctor to see if there is something that I might be qualified to take to help, but that will be secondary to actually working at it. If I don’t see results when I try then we will go that route because something might be wrong.

Day 120 – The Blue Day

Today I tested out the two blue colors I got for the metal parts of my desk. I wasn’t sure which I would like, even though I was pretty sure I would like the darker one, so I decided to paint a “test” piece. When I was painting I was sure of the dark blue, but seeing it in inside light vs the sun I am no longer sure! Real problems over here ya’ll!!

I did some web conferences today and even though I messed up the meeting invite 2 times – the meetings actually went pretty well. I do one in the morning and cover the same material in the afternoon and it is pretty amazing the difference in interaction :) It being Friday doesn’t help, but it was about half the time of the morning meeting :)

Mom is feeling much better today, she was walking around and eating pretty well. I took her this afternoon to go get a prescription and then we grabbed some food. She didn’t go in anywhere, but she was out of the house.

The people who purchased my old mobile home were supposed to move it today and I was kinda curious to see how it went, but they decided to move it on Monday and now I am going to miss it. Oh well :)

I must tell everyone about what happened last night after I posted the blog. These stinking puppies went to some mud hole and rolled around in it and came home COVERED in sand and mud… I get them a great pool, fill it with nice cool water, and this is how they repay me! Nickel had the most, there was no way he could come in the house like that. Well, stay in the house for the night. I took him right into the shower – he was not excited and I did have to drag him across the tile floor. Once we were in there, he did good and we got him all clean. After that I swept the floor and I just believe the amount of sand that was on the floor from the front door to my room.

Tomorrow I have a hair appointment!! I LOVE getting my hair done and can’t wait to see what we do tomorrow 😉

Alright, I am going to wrap this up and get ready to take the puppies out again for a workout. I am really getting concerned about what they are going to do over the next two weeks when I am going to be gone. Hopefully they won’t be terrors!!

Goodnight everybody!!

The blue paint test!
The blue paint test!

Day 119 – The Day of Batteries

My sister is selling my old mobile home and they needed the Blazer moved and the wheels were locked up so we really needed to start it to get it to move. My dad and I went over there to change the battery and we got it moved – I think he was a little surprised, but I don’t know what we would have done if it didn’t start.

I also had to grab the AC out of the window for Carlos. That little guy was a bit heavy :)

Work had some challenges today, but just kept pushing through them. I think I will go ahead and work from home tomorrow again because my mom is still pretty bad off. She ate very little today and is still pretty weak.

I made flight arrangements for the next trip, I am out next week and then the following week as well. I am going to be traveling so much in these two weeks – should be a different hotel every night on both! I haven’t done that in a long time.

I changed my bed sheets tonight – which includes the cover blanked – to a brand new one I got – I love it :)

I am going to be playing with the puppies soon to tire them out. I tried very hard to keep them awake today so that they will be tired when it is bed time.

I want to have a picture on every post so that it looks a little more interesting on Facebook. I am not trying to make them all pictures of the puppies, but so far that has been the case. So enjoy :)


It makes me crazy that she lays here, but she loves it :)
It makes me crazy that she lays here, but she loves it :)

Day 118 – The Day My Mom Got 8 Water Guns

We try to use water guns to get the puppies to stop barking in the house, but Nickel had ate the one we had. I got like a 12 pack from Amazon, but they were a bit too cheap and didn’t really work. So mom decided to get some better ones from the store. I just had to get one because Nickel keeps barking inside. It is so freakin loud. I haven’t used it yet, not sure if he will hate it or not really care.

I am feeling a lot better about my room now that I am basically done with the “remodel”. Not sure what to call it, how about makeover.

Nickel is being crazy tonight. I have figured out that he sleeps all day and decides to gain all this energy when it is time to go to bed :) I have played tennis with them 3 times in an effort to get him exhausted, it has not worked…

So sorry that this blog is not to interesting. Will work on being more interesting tomorrow :)


He was sound asleep like this - crazy!
He was sound asleep like this – crazy!

Day 117 – The Day I Couldn’t Stay Awake and Couldn’t Fall Asleep

Today was a difficult one. I didn’t sleep great and on the drive into the office I was really struggling with not falling asleep in traffic. It was physically painful to focus on staying awake. I just can’t keep this up. I want everything to go back to normal!!!!!!!

I came home early with hopes of taking a nap and it was useless. I wasn’t even close to falling asleep. Now it is the time I want to go to bed and I am not really feeling tired.

Alright – enough complaining!! I played ball with the puppies. They are getting so good at catching the ball in the air and I am trying to get them to put it back in the basket when they fetch it. Dime is going to be the one to master that first, Nickel is stubborn.

I finished putting together the other nightstand tonight. It all looks good. I have some car cleaning stuff to take to the garage but other than that, I am done with the like organization part of the room.

Let’s see, I can’t really thing of anything else interesting that happened. Sometimes my life is just normal and not the usual rainbows and sunshine :) I just can’t help how funny I am :)

OK, goodnight and sweet dreams everyone :)

Nickel couldn't stay awake...
Nickel couldn’t stay awake…
Nickel couldn't fall asleep...
Nickel couldn’t fall asleep…

Day 116 – The Day of Building

I got my end tables in the mail today!!!! I built one of them, but it like totally kicked my booty so I will do the other one tomorrow. The goal of these is to put sweaters and bedding stuff in them so that my dresser can be stuff I use more often :) I feel so accomplished and that is great!! I know I am such a nerd. A friend of mine said something like it looks like Pinterest exploded in my clean corner – I thought that was hilarious :) It’s not just me that is funny, I try to surround myself with funny people!

Alright, must go play tennis with the dogs, they are going crazy with built up energy!

They are getting so freakin good at catch! I can’t wait to do another video of it. I have to get a mount for my phone and I will put the tripod up and just film, maybe next week.

Had a good day at work today. Not super eventful I suppose, especially for a Monday. I made my flight and hotel arrangements for next week – CHICAGO!!! I say that like I am going downtown to the Hilton, I am flying into Midway and headed right to Calumet City and then to Ohio. So, lots of driving, 8 hours total and 4 hotels for 5 days :) We may be getting on a packed travel schedule here this month, I will keep you posted.

I am going to get ready for bed, I am a bit worn out! Also, my teeth have been really sensitive to cold lately and that give me a bad headache :( Aleve PM and sleep will come soon :) Goodnight!!!

! of 2 nightstands :)
1 of 2 nightstands :)

Day 115 – The Day the Dog Ate the Remote

Well, it was bound to happen and it has… Nickel ate the living room remote control. Luckily we have the original remotes to use until I can program a new one, but what a little BRAT! When he gets upset he does these things and most of the time no one is around to notice what he is doing to correct him. I don’t know what to do with this dog :)

Today was laundry day, which went quickly since I was sick most of last week. Mom wanted to go to the store to get a new lamp shade so I took her and we stopped and picked up some dinner. That was pretty great :)

I cleaned the stickers off my metal pieces for my desk and will hopefully get them painted this week. When I am not 100% sure about something I really drag my feet on it :) I just want to make sure it is right.

I talked with dad and we are going to build another picnic table! Gonna come up with some moving system for it so we can just move it out of the way. Found the same plans as the one we made 15 years ago. Will be doing things a little different this time though May use different wood for the top and will work on something to personalize it, like burning our names into it or something.

Alright, sorry it is so short, but I am going to finish up my room and get to bed early today. I have been sleeping very poor still. BYE!!!

The remote Nickel ate...
The remote Nickel ate…

Yummy Fudge Truffle Cheesecake

Yummy Fudge Truffle Cheesecake
Print Recipe
A crazy good chocolate cheese cake for the real chocolate lover!!
Servings Prep Time
8 people 20 Minutes
Cook Time
75 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
8 people 20 Minutes
Cook Time
75 Minutes
Yummy Fudge Truffle Cheesecake
Print Recipe
A crazy good chocolate cheese cake for the real chocolate lover!!
Servings Prep Time
8 people 20 Minutes
Cook Time
75 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
8 people 20 Minutes
Cook Time
75 Minutes
Servings: people
  1. Mix crust ingredients and pat into a 9 or 10-inch spring form pan.
  2. Bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees F.
  1. Mix cream cheese and condensed milk together until smooth.
  2. Add eggs and beat until fluffy.
  3. Add chocolate and vanilla while continuing to mix until color is consistent.
  4. Pour mixture into baked crust.
  5. Bake at 300 degrees F for 1 hour 5 minutes or until center is set.
  6. Cool and chill until ready to serve.
Recipe Notes

It is best to make sure the filling is very smooth. I usually spend about 15 minutes running the mixer on the filling.

Day 114 – The Unexpected Family Day

Everyone came out to the house today when we weren’t really expecting it!! It was very nice. I had wanted to cook, but the time didn’t really work out good. I am making brownies right now.

Today was also the day the pool day. It was a bust, they just drank out of it… I was so sad.

I cleaned out my corner and that feels great!!

And brownies are done :) I will be partaking in them – I shouldn’t, but I will.

Tomorrow I am going to finish with the bathroom because Samantha has a bunch of stuff to go to the goodwill so that will be perfect. I will then be super ready for my new end tables and then all will be so great :) I know, how silly to be this excited about this kind of stuff.

I did realize today that we haven’t done like a picnic in so long. I gave my table that dad and I made to someone so now I think we should make another one and we can move it onto the car port when we want to have a picnic – or we should put it on the lanai. I am not sure which will be better, but when something happens you will be the first to know :)

Oh, almost forgot, I put the protection stuff on my car seats for the puppies. Basically they can’t get hair, scratch, or whatever anywhere in the back seat and they can’t get to the front seat from the back. It is great and anyone who has dogs that they take with them – you should get one :) I will review it as soon as they use it and post a link on that blog.

Well, I am going to get out to the kitchen to cut the brownies and then jump in the shower and fix my bed!!!!! What a nice day :)

The CLEAN corner!!!!!!
The CLEAN corner!!!!!!
The clutter corner - YUCK!
The clutter corner – YUCK!
Old drawing I snagged when we were purging documents.
Old railroad drawing.
One of my rings :)
One of my rings :)
Another of mine.
Another of mine.
Mom's 40th Anniversary Ring - little early, but so pretty - and we were playing with my new lens :)
Mom’s 40th Anniversary Ring – little early, but so pretty – and we were playing with my new lens :)

Day 113 – The Day I Got Carded for Spray Paint

I am going to paint some parts of my desk this weekend and I stopped by Home Depot to get some spray paint and I used the self checkout – which I HATE doing – and it flagged me for buying spray paint. I know it makes sense but I guess because it has been so long since I ever got it that I didn’t even think about it. Crazy stuff.

It is pouring now so I hope that I can even paint tomorrow, I just plan on doing a sample so I think I will be OK either way. I am not 100% sure I am going to like the end result and I want to play with the finish anyway. Not sure if I want it to be perfect or look a little distressed, or not perfect.

The puppies are not happy that we can’t play tennis tonight. They would have no issues, but I would be a total mess if I tried. I have no doubt I would be covered in mud :)

I went to the office today, didn’t really feel great the whole time, but made it. I did leave a little early to try to avoid the rain. I made it to the car with a little bit of water, but not as bad as it could have been if I had waited a little bit longer :)

I had to get gas on the way home. I HATE getting gas. I really wish we still had some full service stations, I would probably go out of my way to get gas there. Oh, if we only lived in New Jersey :)

I have a couple goals this weekend. I really need to get my bathroom cleaned out. It isn’t that it is so dirty, there is a lot of donate stuff in there. I had no place else to put it so it has been piling up. Then I would like to get the corner of my room cleaned up / organized. I have some more things to help with that coming next week, but I am sick of looking at it. Picture below!

Carlos and Paul should be coming out tomorrow. Love that they make the time to come out. It helps out so much and means a lot :)

Alright, I am going to find something on my TV to watch and try try try to get some real sleep. Might have to take some helper pills – like the over the counter stuff :)

The clutter corner - YUCK!
The clutter corner – YUCK!