Day 145 – The Day That I Knew Where to Go!!

This morning we had some Waffle House!!! True Alabama style :) I am sitting at the first location waiting for the folks to get here so we can start. I think there was some confusion about when we needed the material – I should say when the people I am with need their stuff, I am just here to help with the program.

We have a bit of a drive this afternoon and I will catch back up then :)

Alright, made it to the next place, and I have actually been here before!!  I know all these folks :)  We are in Birmingham, Alabama.  We leave here and are staying the night in Atlanta and then have a bit of a drive tomorrow.  I think we will eat good tonight so I am looking forward to that!

We had lunch with a couple of the folks from that office and made the much longer than expected trip to Atlanta.  My co-worker was going to a gym class right away so I decided to just grab some food from the hotel.  Big mistake :(  But really it was more my fault.  I got a roast beef sandwich and forgot to say no horseradish so it was disgusting!!  The fries were good :)

Now I am going to get to bed!

Hotel checkin - interesting decor.
Hotel checkin – interesting decor.
Lobby of the hotel.
Lobby of the hotel.
View down Commerce St.
View down Commerce St.
Where we had dinner - Wintzells Oyster House.
Where we had dinner – Wintzells Oyster House.
Inside of Wintzells Oyster House.
Inside of Wintzells Oyster House.
Just closer detail
Just closer detail
Closer detail.
Closer detail.
This was a dry goods warehouse, but now a law firm.  Downtown Montgomery
This was a dry goods warehouse, but now a law firm. Downtown Montgomery

Atlanta Division – 05/2016 Photo Gallery


Day 144 – The Day We Parked on I-65

This morning our work location was very close to where we stayed so that was nice, but there was like nothing to grab some food that early. I had a banana and a Mt. Dew – healthy I know :)

The IT group did their thing great and I was making us stay trying to help a couple of the guys. But we got out of there and drove for a bit before we got food. I think Denise was about to agree to eat at a gas station she was so hungry.

After we got back on the road there was some construction she was warned about from the guys and she was asking if we should go around or risk it. I said go around, but “Bobby Taylor” said to give it a try… About an hour later we were finally out of the parking lot of construction. He said, you win some and you lose some :)

We are staying at this amazing hotel here in Montgomery. I have a great room on the 9th floor. We are going to take a little walk to grab some dinner here in a bit. Everyone was saying there are tons of good places, plus they have been here before. Alright, more to come later :)

Just got back from dinner, went to an oyster bar, YUCK! But I had fried shrimp and a brownie :) We just walked down the street a little bit so that was nice. Lots of little things right around the hotel. Will post pictures from that tomorrow, too tired to do it tonight :) Bye!!

Railroad bridge in Mobile, AL.
The nice room.
The view from the nice room.

Day 143 – The Day I Went to Mobile

I am getting my laundry all done for my trip this evening. I am watching my puppies be so sweet, they are going to make me miss them more!

My mom is not feeling well again. I am going to blame it on these meal replacement drinks she has been trying to drink because they were already expired and the company wouldn’t take them back. I told her not to do it and others did too, but she said, it tastes fine. Ummmmmmmmmm. I do hope she feels better very soon. I don’t like leaving like this, but there will be a couple people around while I am gone and if I need to come home, I will.

I am going to leave here around 16:00, Carlos is coming to take me and Paul is going to pick me up so I don’t have to leave my car at the airport. That reminds me I need to put up my sunshade before I leave.

So, I am writing this on Monday because yesterday evening got a little something. When I left yesterday mom was not feeling great, but she didn’t say anything like cancel your trip. I thought she was a little bit better than she was apparently. When I get to Atlanta I call my sister and she is very concerned about her and wants to take her to the ER. I tell her to call Paul and see if he can come over and stay the night with her because I thought he would be able to take off work on Monday if needed.

When I got to Mobile I called Paul and he said that she did go to the hospital and got admitted thinking that she had pneumonia. I didn’t get to the hotel until like 23:00 so it was pretty late. Luckily this trip we are staying pretty close to airports that I can likely get home in a hurry if I need to. I don’t like being away like this.

I think he is gonna miss me :)
I think he is gonna miss me :)
JAX, like a second home :)
JAX, like a second home :)
Mobile Airport - pretty cool.
Mobile Airport – pretty cool.

Day 142 – The Sparkling Day

I wanted to say that in the last week or so I have been having a hard time sleeping again and also having some dreams that are very disturbing for me which makes me not sleep or wake up in a distressed state. I have also been feeling more and more anxiety when I am in crowds. If I am in a room with co-working giving a class or demo it is no problem, it just seems to be when I have no connection to people. It is very stressful for me, but I am trying very hard to not let it get me down low.

Alright, good things now. Like a couple weeks ago I had to return the new ring I had gotten because there were two diamonds that had fallen out and it was very rough and actually giving me a callous on on my pinky finger. I had ordered a new one and went to pick it up and then I happened to see another one I wanted more. So I got it and it is beautiful!!! I will put a picture below. The reason for this ring is a congratulations to myself for being in the railroad industry for 20 years. I am not married and never had been and I love these style rings so who the heck cares if I have a ring on that finger or not!!  By the way, my hand looks so bad in the picture, I am not sure if it is dry or just old :)

Carlos and Paul both came over today but mom and I were gone most of the afternoon. I did promise them Yummy Chicken and Dumplings so we had to go to the store to get some of the ingredients. Then we managed to forgot the “dumplings” but luckily we had some here :)

I had a good picture of the Penny and Dime dog yesterday but forgot to post it so I am going to put it below too :) They seem so sweet, but they are CRAZY :)

I changed my bed sheets in case my cousin wanted to stay the night here or my mom wanted to sleep in my room and have a bit more room with the dogs :)

I am leaving out again tomorrow night and won’t get back this time until Friday evening. This will be a hard one, but then we have a holiday so that will make it easier. I am thinking about driving to Atlanta next week for my trip, but now that I think about it that won’t work because I really need to get my car serviced. See just gotta talk it out to yourself some times :)

Alright, I am going to get my body cleaned up and get under the sheets!! I will talk to y’all tomorrow, but may not get it posted until the next day because I am going to be getting in late.

Penny and Dime do love each other :)
Penny and Dime do love each other :)
Cheshire Cat sitting on the TV
Cheshire Cat sitting on the TV
Happy 20 Years!!
Happy 20 Years!!

Day 141 – The Day The Dogs Thought it Was Easter?

I have been playing tennis with these dogs for so long and now all of the sudden they are no longer bringing me the balls back… Dime is actually hiding them like little easter eggs. I am not sure what the deal is, maybe this is their way of saying I am done or what. So now I have 0 tennis balls in the bin. I will go get them tomorrow before I leave.

I had a very little production day today. Dad and I had to go see the life insurance guy and I just didn’t have enough of the info I should have for him to review my stuff, but we did get dad’s looked at and found what we needed for that. I will have to go back in a couple weeks to get the rest done. I am looking forward to it.

I did get most of the house swept, needed to do my room and tomorrow I will mop. I want to change my bed set, but I am only going to be here one more day so it isn’t worth it because the dogs are just going to own the bed while I am gone. Maybe I will do it tomorrow anyway since I think my mom might sleep in here while I am gone to keep the puppies company :)

I am going to wrap this up a little early, I am not feeling great right now and really wanna just lay down. Goodnight and see you tomorrow!!!


Day 140 – The Long Way Home

Today we drove home from Charleston and the ride was very good!! Had a lot of good conversation and ate a good lunch!

Home earlier than I expected so that is very nice and now I was catching up on some work stuff and of course playing with the puppies :)

Well, played with the puppies a couple times, but now it is pouring and the very last time I was out something stung me. Not sure what, hopefully it was just a plant or something and not a bug.

Tomorrow we have a meeting with the insurance person and then getting ready to go out on the road again :)

Alright, gonna watch some TV and unwind – I think the puppies might be a little sleepy!! Goodnight all!!!

The USS Yorktown
The USS Yorktown

Day 139 – The Day of the Suite

Today was another travel day. I am heading to Charleston for an important meeting tomorrow for work. I am meeting a couple people I work for there and I am pretty excited for it. I’m at the Atlanta airport I am feeling very strange. I think I am having a slight issue with my medicine where I feel a little bit light headed or something like that. Anyway, can’t wait to get there.

So I finally make it to Charleston and I almost didn’t! I am sitting in the ATL at the gate and didn’t realize there was a change in the gates. Luckily it was just the next one down, but I was the last person on that plane. That would have sucked!!! Now when I get to here, I was supposed to be before my coworkers but no, my flight was later. OK, fine. Then I had to wait about 45 minutes for my stinking bag, a bag I should have just carried on. UGH!!!!

The rental we got was some kind of upgrade and it was a Navigator. It is NICE!!!! We get to the hotel and my coworker is on the same floor as me, but my room was first and it was a suite! When I went down for dinner I asked the lady how I got that room and she said it was an upgrade because the hotel was full! SCORE!!!!

It is a nice room, jet tub, shower, living room, nice big bed – too bad I am only here tonight! And with that – goodnight!

Bridge on the way to the hotel.
Bridge on the way to the hotel.

Day 138 – A Ready, Set, Go Day!!

Today was a day to wrap as many things up as I could before I am traveling again.  I am leaving out tomorrow but just for two days.  I need to get a lot of new feature work done with this project and that is always the hardest thing to do.

I have not yet finished packing.  My new luggage is great, but it is like perfect for 3 days away, but not really just a night.  I am wondering what I should do, I have a feeling I will be getting a new piece :)  Or maybe not!

I am excited for this trip, I should be nervous, but I am not.  I guess I will see how I am Thursday, but right now – good to go :)

I got all my laundry done today and put away – such an adult :)

I just played with the puppies outside, in the rain, and Nickel is just sitting behind me barking – I might not miss them this time :)  I just walked around the property with them.  I don’t get it, but that seemed to make him a bit happier.

I hung a couple family pictures that we had.  I have to adjust one of the heights, but it looks pretty good.  Need to get a new one made, these are pretty old :)

Alright, got to wrap this up so I can clean up a little bit so I don’t have so much to do tomorrow.  Not that I am leaving early, but I don’t like to be rushed :)

Goodnight all!!

A dog and his bone (Nickel)
A dog and his bone (Nickel)
Nickel likes to drop his toys like a kid :)
Nickel likes to drop his toys like a kid :)
Dime is giving hugs!
Dime is giving hugs!
Penny just being sweet :)
Penny just being sweet :)

Day 137 – The Doctor Day

Today I had a doctor’s appointment that took way too much out of me.  The appointment was a bit later than I usually do because I had to change it at the last minute and then I had to drop some prescriptions off.  They tell me it will be ready in an hour so I went to the store and walked around waiting and when I went back – not ready…  It is now 12:30.  Now I have to go back out, but that is OK because I do have something to do that I am very excited about.  I think I can show it because the person I am going to do this for does not read my blog :)

I have a call right now and then I am going to wrap up a couple things and head back out for my meds that I have been needing for a couple days now.

I got a couple packages today, several of the stickers I got for my laptop and my stand and also some new cables for my mac.  They are for traveling, making my life easier.

We just got back from all the stops, the frame place, the drug place, and a food place :)  Publix has THE BEST potato wedges – if you don’t know, now you know!!!!!

The dogs were pretty bad at dinner time.  They would not eat their food, they were so concerned with what mom was eating.  I hate that, but oh well.  I will wait to see when they want to play ball and hope no one gets sick because they didn’t eat when they were supposed to!  It’s feels like I am talking about a kid :)

Oh, I keep forgetting to mention it, I think at least, I think my dad’s favorite thing to do is to look for typos in the blogs :)  He yells, FOUND ONE!!  It isn’t usually a misspelling, but the wrong word :)

Just got out of the shower – I love my shower – it is so relaxing – the funny thing is that I only appreciate it after I travel :)  Otherwise it’s just a shower – ha ha ha.

OK, I am going to start relaxing so I can go to bed – goodnight all :)

Look at how this picture frame is gonna look!

How amazing this is going to look in real life :)
How amazing this is going to look in real life :)