Day 154 – The Day Spent In the Trailer

No, not a trailer like a trailer park :) the cutin trailer.  Today was nothing but paperwork and Chimichangas – and Reeses mini cups :) ha ha ha ha

We worked so hard yesterday and today getting these locations ready to be put into service on Monday, it makes me very happy.  I think it will go so smooth :)

I was out like a light yesterday, read I think a page of the book.  I woke up in a panic at midnight though thinking it was morning 😉  Guess you know it was good sleep.  I am very snotty today and am very happy I am not flying home.  That would be miserable, but I am not certain a 5 hour drive will be much better.

I think we are going to wrap up here pretty soon and then I am going to crash again and see if I can feel a bit better for tomorrow.

Instead, I am driving home tonight -BYE!!!!!

The Doghouse - can you guess why?
The Doghouse – can you guess why?
Just some rail and stuff :)
Just some rail and stuff :)

Day 153 – The Day I Worked Like a Railroader!

Oh my goodness today was a long day working on the railroad.  We were supposed to spend a day in the cutover trailer doing paperwork and ended up needing to visit 6 locations to gather information before we could do the paperwork.  Now we are sitting in the trailer and we just finished building that!!!!!!

I am pooped – it is hot outside, I got rained on, and walking on the ballast (the rocks) is HARD with little feet!!

I am back at the hotel now.  I went and got some food, nothing special, but more importantly I went to CVS and got some cough medicine.  I am about to clean up and take lots of drugs that will make me sleepy (I hope).

Got a couple good pics today so here they are and have a great night!!

Train :)
Train :)
The inside of a relay.
The inside of a relay.
New and old signals.
New and old signals.
View of the track.
View of the track.

Day 152 – The Day I Drove FOREVER!!

Today I have 2 meetings, one at 08:00 and the other at 14:00 and then I leave to drive to Fairburn, Georgia – basically Atlanta.  I am not really looking forward to it…

The first meeting went well and now I need to pack and put the rest of my laundry away.  I think that Nickel knows I am going somewhere because my suitcase is out.  He is hanging a little close by this morning :)

Alright, second meeting also went well, thought no one was going to join for a little bit but then like 40 people joined so that is good turnout.  I am about to walk out the door, gotta say goodbye to the folks and the puppies :(

And 5 hours later I am in the hotel.  Goodness!!  Ran into just a little bit of rain but no real traffic so really it was smooth sailing, driving rather :)  The lady gave me a room like with no other room around, which turns out to be pretty good because I am coughing like crazy.  I hope I am not getting what mom had, but this stinks.  I ate lunch really late on the drive so I am just gonna take these meds and get to bed!

I did not take a single picture today – what a bummer :(

Night all :)

Day 151 – Memorial Day

I never remember this much clarification needed around Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, and Armed Forces Day.  I was talking with my dad about it and it is interesting how times change where in WWII it seemed like men could not wait to join up for the service, so many lied about their ages to get in and get over to the fighting before it was over.  Then we have other wars where soldiers were not warmly welcomed home and treated very poorly.  Now we seem to be back on the side of supporting troops and being a fairly proud military country (maybe).  I live in a military town so my view is probably most definitely skewed.  Anyway, not to be too political or whatever, but I do appreciate what people have done for this country and continue to do.  I have been reading a lot about war and it is hard no matter how you look at it.  It isn’t good, that’s a no brainer.

Just got back not that long ago from the store.  Mom went with me, the first time she has really been out in a week.  She did pretty good, but I think she got tuckered out.  I got a couple pounds of shrimp and peeled them.  Not sure how much is left, they were very good :)  I ruined it by eating a piece of chocolate :(

I also got a couple backs of beer brats so that is what we are going to eat when Paul and Carlos get here.  I am going to take a break from this now though so I can get the house swept and hopefully mopped.  All swept and now waiting for the mop, but the boys just got here so maybe Carlos will mop :)

I am supposed to head out tomorrow afternoon for my next trip.  It is about 5 hours away and I am not supposed to leave until after 15:00.  I am sure that everything will be fine, just long – but it was such short notice I didn’t want to pay a huge price for a ticket.

I just got done with dinner, it turned out really great.  Beer Bratwurst with onions, mac and cheese, and baked beans :)  Yummy!!!

I am gonna go ahead and wrap it up.  Gotta play with those puppies and do some work stuff.

This is what work looks like :)
This is what work looks like :)
Carlos and Dime - so sweet!
Carlos and Dime – so sweet!
Carlos and Dime - give me a break :)
Carlos and Dime – give me a break :)


Day 150 – The Unexpected Working Day

It’s not exactly the unexpected working day, but more work than expected :)  I am trying to get my dad’s laundry done, mine done, a meal plan for this week, and a plan for people coming to check on the folks.  Luckily I am not packing until Tuesday since I am leaving that night to go to Fairburn, Georgia.

Yesterday my bother and dad got the exit opener installed for our gate at the house.  We have a sliding gate and it has been such a pain since we put it in.  Not all of it is the opener’s fault.  It sat for a long time before we installed it and then it got struck by lightning.  I know – HUGE LIFE PROBLEMS :) ha ha ha.

I still have a couple small, maybe not small – minor, changes to be made to my room / bathroom before I am done.  I want to tighten my pictures that are hanging over my bed, less space on the vertical lines.  Then I got, what I think will work, as a towel holder.  Would like to put that up today, I don’t see why I wouldn’t be able to so I will add a pic.

The dogs were let in this morning wet and full of sand so my bed is just FULL of sand.  I have slept in it twice and will have to deal with that today too.  Oh yeah, that’s another thing on the list, sweep the house and mop the common area.

The movie theatre by the house has opened and Carlos was planning on coming out tomorrow and maybe going out there.  I am not sure what we are having for food, something on the grill probably – shrimp and hot dogs – ha ha ha, what a combo.

We are gonna have beanie weenies for dinner so now I have to go to the grocery store to get them.  I hope they aren’t sold out for the holiday – that’s not possible, right?!  I have seen where they were out of buns, but not hot dogs :)  I will keep everyone posted on the developments of this very important story!  Oh man, I just realized baked beans are big cookoout items too – OH NO!

Important Update: We decided to have sandwiches instead of beanie weenies. That is all.

I just got done with all of my dad’s laundry and now I am working on mine. I also just played with the puppies – they were exhausted because it is so hot outside. Goodness, they wouldn’t stop if I didn’t make them.

I think I am getting a little bit sick. I feel like my throat is going to be very sore tomorrow. I hope it goes quickly. I woke up last night about 3am and had to take some Aleve I had such a bad headache. I think it was from having a stuffed up nose and also coughing a little bit. In fact I just took some as a preemptive strike :)

By the way, basically finished the puzzle today – I need two words that I just cannot figure out.  Have to ask dad for help tomorrow.  He gave me some hints, but I did pretty good :)

Alright, I am going to clean the body, finish up my clothes, and go to bed – I don’t feel great :(  Oh well!

Dime is so tense...
Dime is so tense…

Day 149 – The Day of Glamor

Today was hair day :)  I stopped and grabbed some food for dinner and already had a compliment on the color.  I ALWAYS get compliments the day or day after I get it done.  I love it :)

So, yesterday I had something happen that really upset me.  A good friend of mine, a person I have relied on for their kindness and really lean on hurt my feelings.  It was a text where they were a bit short with me.  I really try hard not to put attitude on people’s written words, emails and texts, but that one really got to me.  I think it is because they are always so nice to me.  They did apologize and that made me feel a bit better, but still it hurt.  The reason why I am explaining this situation is because it is very important to be careful about how you word written things.

Anyway, enough of that :)  So my dad has always done crossword puzzles and he had some that were a bit easier so I was doing those in the morning when I was eating breakfast and now he has found me one from the paper that he things I should be able to do.  I am not good with them, especially like he is and it was funny because he basically did this whole puzzle in his head and decided it was for me :)  Funny stuff!!

I had to return my ring today because it had lost two diamonds already – I have had it a week…

I need to do a ton before I go out of town again.  I need to make sure that there is a plan for dinners for the folks and make sure someone can come on out and check on them.  Although I think that mom is feeling better than she has.  She may feel pretty much back to normal by Monday – who knows :)  Oh yeah, mom came home last night.  I can’t remember if I mentioned that in the blog yesterday.

OK, I am going to wrap this up because I am getting tired and want to grab me some ice cream :)

The hair - I would have taken a real selfie, but my eyebrows are basically orange :)
The hair – I would have taken a real selfie, but my eyebrows are basically orange :)

Day 148 – The Day I Saw Friends

This morning is the last day on the road for a little bit and we are ending it with the first group of people I worked with on my project!  It is so nice to see them all, except 1 is not here, but I will see him at another training I believe.

They are trying to get done quickly so that we can all get home, this is day 6 for us so we are all a little bit tired!  I am sitting in an office right now just trying to stay out of the way from all this craziness :)

Gonna have to get some pictures today to add, but I have 1 from yesterday evening.

So, made it to the airport a whole 6 hours early :)  Not a huge deal this isn’t the first time that has happened.  The other guys have like a 16:00 flight or close to it anyway so they have a little less wait – but not much.  We ate at PF Changs, which was my first time eating there.  It was pretty good.  I got some dumplings and some Lo Mein.  The dumplings were amazing!!

I am letting my phone charge and sitting on the floor rather than use the ones in the seats.  So I am using one outlet and a guy came up to use the other one and I scared the crap out of him by shouting that it was MY OUTLET!!!  He was a good sport and laughed :)

I am so very tired.  I think that I figured out a little secret about when I start to field strange, I need some food.  Have not figured out if it is like a sugar thing or just food in general.  I fear it is sugar, but hope I am just plain hungry.

The guys just left to go get some ice cream, I think they went down to a Ben and Jerry’s.  Now I may be headed down there later, but not right now :)  Still a bit full from lunch / dinner.

Fountain in downtown LaGrange, GA
Fountain in downtown LaGrange, GA
This IS Railroading!!
This IS Railroading!!

Life at the Dakota: New York’s Most Unusual Address

Life at the Dakota: New York's Most Unusual Address Book Cover Life at the Dakota: New York's Most Unusual Address
Stephen Birmingham
Open Road Media
December 1, 2015

I enjoy reading books like this, but I found that this particular one was a bit lacking in background information.  It seemed to be a little scattered for me.  I like when the building things are explained in more detail, more history around it.  It was a good read, just not the best I have read.

I got through it pretty quickly so that was good.  It had only a couple of pictures in it, not that I expect them when reading on a Kindle, but I had gotten the impression that there were several - not sure why I thought that, something I saw I think.

It was really more of a story of personalities and the difficulties of turning a building into a co-op.  What all goes along with that, a board, deciding what to do with funds, how crazy all that is.

Day 147 – The Day of the Longest Drive

No not golf, real driving in a car!!!  We started the day at the REDI, that’s where I am right now.  We will leave here around lunch and head to Social Circle, a little over an hour away.  Once we are done there it’s a much longer drive to LaGrange.  Whew!   I will check back in later.

OK, I am all settled into my room in LaGrange thinking about how I am going to get some food in my belly :)  We had two pretty good sessions today.  I felt that I helped a couple people in each and that is good when you can fix a couple specific issues, I think :)

Long drives today.  Man, it took so long, but we made it and that is good.  I will be happy to be home next week for sure.

Mom Update: Talked to the nurse, didn’t get to talk to her, but she said she had a bit of a fever today and that overall it was a better day.  She is very weak at the moment and sleeping a good bit.  She was supposed to come home, but I don’t think so with that fever.  Paul and Carlos, at least, are going to see her and play with the puppies :)

I am going to have a really long day tomorrow, not getting home until like 21:00.  But a lot of it will be just sitting around which is unfortunate.  Oh well, get something done :)

There is not much near this hotel, I am not even sure where a Pizza Hut is because I could do some pizza I think.  Maybe.  Actually maybe not.  I want Subway – too bad no car.  Gonna have to try to get one of the guys to just take me, or let me borrow their car.

I took some pictures today, not  very many, but what can you do!  I think I am gonna go ahead and close this, if something interesting happens I will just add it to tomorrow :)

Inside a switch.
Inside a switch.
Contacts inside a switch.
Contacts inside a switch.
Rule 706!!!
Rule 706!!!  If you didn’t know, now you know!!

Day 146 – The Day That Ended at the REDI

This morning we had a bit of a drive to Calhoun, Georgia. Out meeting was in a historic depot that has been repurposed into a county meeting hall. It was nice and there was lots of space for sure. The good / bad thing about being at old depots is that for the most part trains still run very close to them so it was, only at times, noisy :)

I stayed behind with the IT guys because we couldn’t get one guy working smoothly so by the time we did finish it was lunch time. We ate with them at a local Mexican place and it was pretty good. After that started the long drive back to Atlanta to the REDI Center. We needed to stop there to chat with a couple people and do some things.

We left there and dropped another co-worker off to get a rental car and then they took me to – wait for it – PANDA EXPRESS!!!!!! I was so happy, but to be honest, the food was not as good as the one at home, but still good :)

Update: I lost my connection to the website last night so I am unsure what else I had to say :)  Oh, I think I had an update on mom there, here we go :)

Mom Update: Mom was not released from the hospital yesterday and that is OK because she wasn’t feeling well still, I should say she was OK with it.

Alright, here are some pictures, enjoy :)

The meeting spot.
The meeting spot.
The meeting spot.
The meeting spot.
A display in the REDI.
A display in the REDI.