Day 1 – National Archives and Rain

So we finally are wrapping up day 1 of the Washington DC trip!!  We are exhausted :)  It was an early flight, very early and it has rained non stop since we landed!

First we went to the hotel and got all checked in and settled and then we went to eat lunch.  We found a place right around the corner called Chop’t.  It is a salad and warp shop.  Very interesting and it was actually very good.

Next we decided to go ahead and head over to the National Archives.  We got there in plenty of time to make the appointment I booked, except we didn’t need it since the weather was so bad – oh well, it was only $4.50.  We spend a good bit of time there looking at all kinds of interesting documents and then we saw the 3 big ones: Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the Constitution.  They are housed all together in the rotunda which is a pretty amazing place.  It is very lowly lit to preserve them and it sure keeps people’s attention.  The documents are very hard to see, but pretty amazing none the less.

We decided to hit up the National Museum of American History Museum.  Mainly to get out of the rain, but I really did want to see it because that is where all the trains are and the Star Spangled Banner flag.  That is pretty amazing as well.  It is all tattered and torn but still so meaningful.  They also had an exhibit on money or currency along with the light bulb, electric motors, and steam powered motors.

After that, we were all pretty worn down, cold and still wet.  We decided to hit up Macy’s for some gear, I got a scarf and some gloves and Carlos got a new coat and is letting Paul use his other one because it has a hood.  After that we headed back towards the hotel to get some dinner and call it a night.  We hit up a place called Wiseguys New York Style Pizza.  It was pretty good stuff and then it was not :)  It was a lot and now we are sitting in the room about to fall asleep.  Well, Carlos is asleep and Paul and I are messing around.  Me doing this and he is watching TV.

Well, that about sums up the first day in DC.  Will post another blog tomorrow :)