Day 196 – The Day I Almost Lost It!

This afternoon when we were checking into the hotel I could NOT find my wallet!  I looked twice everywhere and then called the hotel we came from.  They didn’t have it so I looked 1 more time – FOUND IT!!!

I about had a fit.  We are so far from where we stayed last night and I really didn’t want to have to drive all that way :( but thankfully it was there.

I have been thinking about doing a shed next to the house for an office and I think I found the one I want.  It isn’t a crazy amount and it is big.  Will have to see how it goes.

Our session this morning went well, but they had very little questions for me.  The good news is there was a couple who said they liked it, more than the other product they used to use.  So that is very good.

We were traveling on another like country road and this time I really did feel very carsick.  It was a lot of up and down and left and right, but I think the more damaging part of it is that we were going by a lot of farms and they had corn growing and I was kinda looking out the window.  I think the corn did it!

I am not sure what we are doing for dinner, there isn’t a Panda Express around so that means I must have it this weekend :)  Ha ha ha!

Went to Chili’s for dinner, I had the cookie skillet – that is all!  Goodnight :)

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