Day 172 – The Day I Applied for a Job!

Today I applied for a job.  Doesn’t happen very often for me :)  I am feeling very good about this choice – much better than I felt about leaving my last job for my most recent one :)  Once I had left, I knew I had made a bad choice, but fi I hadn’t I am not sure I would be where I am right now and that is a good place.

Over the last couple years I have been really getting to know my the people I want to work with.  I have been meeting so many people and doing so many good things and it is all going to pay off for me I know!!

Ok, enough about that, sorta :)  Today was the first day I have been back in the office in so long.  I have missed seeing my friends there for sure and I will have this whole week and most of next to enjoy the short break from travel.  It’s weird, travel is something I enjoy a ton, but it is healthy to have a little break every now and then.  Especially with out current schedule where we basically move hotels each night, that is hard.  I never knew, this is the first I have done that style.  Thank goodness someone else always drive because I am not sure I could handle it :)

Hold on, I have to take the dogs out – for about the 5th time…

I have been using Beme for short videos, mostly of the puppies and I like it, I just don’t love putting videos on here because I use YouTube to do that.  So them being so short is just a lot of work.

Alright, it’s that time again to get ready for bed :)  I am in the middle of a very good book as well.  I think I mentioned what it was about, but I will write a review when it is done :)  Goodnight all!!!

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