I have finally cleaned up my bathroom – sorta… I got the floor cleaned and the toilet closet cleaned, but I did not clean off my vanities. I still need to do that and I may do that tomorrow, but it is already so much better. I also cleaned all my room, swept and vacuumed
I am all packed for tomorrow, at least I think I am. I will double check tomorrow.
Oh yeah, Paul, Carlos, Samantha, and Becky came by. Paul and Carlos helped out so much as usual We played with the puppies so much today I hope they sleep good. It seems like they recover so quickly really. It kinda kills me.
Carlos got a new truck last night. It is very nice, but I swear that Nissan NEVER changes their stuff.
We went to Firehouse for dinner, brought it back to the house. Good stuff.
Tomorrow I should be able to finish the bathroom and maybe take a pic since I got new little rugs and they are super cute
Alright, sorry it was short and not amazing, but was just trying not to stress before I am out again