Day 127 – The Day I People Watched

Right now I am sitting in the Chicago Midway Airport waiting on my first flight to Atlanta. I do like people watching at the airport, it is a very diverse group of people traveling all over :)

I have not had anything to eat yet this morning and I think that is a mistake. I may go ahead and put this up and go find something I can take on the plane.

I feel like I have been to this airport so many times, but really I guess it hasn’t been that many. Maybe it is just rememberable – some are just kinda generic. Alright, I know this is riveting content, so I am gonna check back in later 😉

Ok, made it to Atlanta and grabbed me some food since I have a little bit of time until my flight home. I am flying out of an area that I have not been to before and I think I might go back to these sculptures and take a picture because they were very cool. I had my hands full when I went by then the first time.

I am not people watching here, I am facing a window looking at our plane and watching them land and take off. It is pretty nice because it is bright and looks very nice out. Probably hotter than anything, but looks lovely :)

I think my mom has had just about her fill of the puppies :) She is gonna have to be strong for another week and then there will be a break in travel until it picks back up again :) I told her I needed to get Nickel certified as a therapy dog so I could just bring him. I tell you I would LOVE to do that, but I am afraid it just wouldn’t work well. People would love him, but I am not sure how he could get his exercise in.

I just saw on Facebook that they have a thing called BarkBox. Basically it is a box that you get monthly with random dog stuff in it – like treats and toys. I get this same sort of thing myself called LootCrate. I subscribed for the year, I hope it has some fun stuff in it :)

Finally home!!!!! Played with the puppies so much and they loved it. Tomorrow I am going to take two of them for a walk and they should love that too!! I was playing with Dime and I could smell mom’s coffee on her head – someone has been sticking their head in mom’s mug – AND SOMEONE HAS BEEN LETTER HER!!! She is so bad – and I mean mom :)

I got lots to unpack, un-package, and get ready to head out again on Sunday. Alright, everyone have a great night and see you tomorrow :)

The plane, the plane :)
The plane, the plane :)
Lunch :)
Lunch :)

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