Day 113 – The Day I Got Carded for Spray Paint

I am going to paint some parts of my desk this weekend and I stopped by Home Depot to get some spray paint and I used the self checkout – which I HATE doing – and it flagged me for buying spray paint. I know it makes sense but I guess because it has been so long since I ever got it that I didn’t even think about it. Crazy stuff.

It is pouring now so I hope that I can even paint tomorrow, I just plan on doing a sample so I think I will be OK either way. I am not 100% sure I am going to like the end result and I want to play with the finish anyway. Not sure if I want it to be perfect or look a little distressed, or not perfect.

The puppies are not happy that we can’t play tennis tonight. They would have no issues, but I would be a total mess if I tried. I have no doubt I would be covered in mud :)

I went to the office today, didn’t really feel great the whole time, but made it. I did leave a little early to try to avoid the rain. I made it to the car with a little bit of water, but not as bad as it could have been if I had waited a little bit longer :)

I had to get gas on the way home. I HATE getting gas. I really wish we still had some full service stations, I would probably go out of my way to get gas there. Oh, if we only lived in New Jersey :)

I have a couple goals this weekend. I really need to get my bathroom cleaned out. It isn’t that it is so dirty, there is a lot of donate stuff in there. I had no place else to put it so it has been piling up. Then I would like to get the corner of my room cleaned up / organized. I have some more things to help with that coming next week, but I am sick of looking at it. Picture below!

Carlos and Paul should be coming out tomorrow. Love that they make the time to come out. It helps out so much and means a lot :)

Alright, I am going to find something on my TV to watch and try try try to get some real sleep. Might have to take some helper pills – like the over the counter stuff :)

The clutter corner - YUCK!
The clutter corner – YUCK!

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