I stopped at Publix on the way home because me and my dad needed milk and I managed to pick up mine with an expiration date of April 20… That is TOMORROW!! Publix had GreenWise Milk out at $5.99 a gallon that expires tomorrow. Makes me a bit sad.
Also, my mother refuses to have anything to do with this blog and she thinks all I do is talk about her. So, I asked her to help me title this blog and she had no idea what I was talking about. BUSTED!!
I thought I was going to get this done right now, but Nickel is bugging me to go play catch so I must go
Alright, they have officially had enough – well as official as they can be.
I had a meeting all day today and I am exhausted for sure. There was lots of heated discussions but really it was good because we are having issues regarding this stuff so hopefully something great comes out of it
I ordered me a couple of night stands that match my dresser, not to be used as night stands mind you, but to use as extra dresser space for sweaters Yes I have that many and I can’t stand to hang them on hangers because of the whole shoulder puff! Ha ha ha
Well, I haven’t been sleeping well lately so I think I am going to try to go to sleep a little earlier tonight. BYE!!!!