Day 106 – It’s FriDay Y’all

I am so very happy that it is Friday.  Normally it doesn’t bother me, you know like the whole boo it’s Monday, but today I welcome it :)

I am working on a huge spreadsheet at work and it is just so slow, I can’t stand it.

I found a new plugin for my picture galleries that is almost exactly what I want. I am hoping that Paul might be able to mess with it and make it perfect :) I am a little shocked that what I want to do with my pictures isn’t the default way to handle galleries, but oh well.

The dogs came in wet this morning, it was drizzling just a little bit so I think really they were wet from running in the woods. Anyway, one of the puppies thinks drying off is a game and wants to attack you and the towel and the other one is deathly afraid of it. Isn’t that crazy, what dog is afraid of getting dried off, most of them LOVE it. So, that’s what I had to do before I left this morning. Just another day :) Penny dog is old enough to not get soaked if she can help it, but she NEVER turns down a toweling off :)

I brought my parents taxes so that I could do them during lunch, so let me get at it. And DONE!!!

Also went ahead and got another Google Voice phone number to use for work.

Couple of updates: Samantha’s rehearsal went fine but tomorrow is gonna be a hard day. Grabbed dinner with Carlos and our cousin Jeff and his wife Stacy and swapped vehicles with him. Then got home to a disaster with these crazy puppies…

I left my old flip flops out and was so worried that he would chew on them, forgetting that my brand new flip flops were under my desk. Well, guess which ones he got??????? That’s right, the brand new ones that I haven’t even put on yet. $50 chew toy for the beast.

OK so now I am relaxing and just wanted to wrap this up and get it actually posted today :)

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