Nickel is always getting into stuff that he shouldn’t. I mean I guess that is just his breed. He always like when I open packages, I think he thinks they are always for him. I at least give him the boxes – no harm in that
I am going to take my mom to her meeting tonight so I am gonna have to wait a long time to take my meds – they put me to sleep pretty well. I wish I had something to do in the hour that she is going to be there but I just don’t.
I had a good day at work and I got to talk to a good friend today so that made me happy.
I am now eating me some ice cream and then going to get food after I drop my mom off
I asked my two coworkers if they wanted to participate in the picture a day and they said yes! So we will see how this goes
Now I am going to watch some YouTube and then just chill
![Nickel opening packages.](