Day 81 – The Day of Frozen

It was so stinking cold today!!!  What happened?  It went from like 80 yesterday to like 44 today.  I don’t get it :)  I had a good demo this morning for work and the whole day was actually busy, so many phone calls.  I did take my coworker out to lunch cause he holds down the fort so well.  We went to a burger place and I had a veggie burger – it was pretty good.

I walked with my other coworker this afternoon, didn’t go very far, but something is better than nothing :)

I forgot to take my meds this morning and boy could I tell today.  I was very fidgety and I didn’t like it at all!!  I also forgot my laptop this morning so I was going to try to edit my video a little bit at lunch, but that went out the window, it was all good though cause we did need the break :)

I am actually getting very excited for April to start so that I can take my pictures per day and just the other day I was dreading it!!!!

Now that I have all my new plugins I really need to finish more of my reviews, recipes, and book reviews.  I get so excited when things start coming together like this.  I feel like I have not had good blogs lately, but I promise it will get better :)

Oh, I may be going to Chicago area in April and that is something I love :)

Alright, all done for today – goodnight :)