I did not feel good this morning and have just not had any real motivation to do anything today. I wanted to hang a couple things, but I am not sure if I will. I would rather lay down and take a nap
Paul helped set my mini up so that I can get to my network drives and stuff so that was great and also I messed with a couple of the pages on the site as well. Really wanna do that picture a day challenge, if you will. I want to start in April – why, April, just cause
Alright, gonna lay down and see what happens 😉
Well, that didn’t go as planned. I laid down, but never did go to sleep. The dogs were being very upset because they didn’t really get to play. So I got up and played with them and Nickel got a little too excited and bit the crap out of my arm. Now I am up and hurting and mom just got home so that will be good. They need to calm down just a little bit before I let them out of my room to see her though. I think I might let one out at a time.
OK, I made a schedule of things to take pictures of for April. This was hard. I am not sure when I will get to the other months… I think I will add this to the page and remove the memo as I upload the image. Here is the page: A Picture A Day