Day 75 – The Longest TuesDay

I have been home for a little bit now and i am exhausted again.  I just took my new meds so I am paying very close attention to how I feel to make sure that I don’t feel sick again.  I just made me a sandwich yummy yummy!!

Had a bunch of meetings today and now that I am home I got me a package that I was excited for.  I got my GoPro Hero4 and also a new backpack and adapter.  I am very close to being able to hook up all the computers to all the monitors.  Might not sound too important, but it will be more productive.

The dogs were very crazy last night.  The little girl is not sleeping as long as the boy.  She is really wanting to go out and play and of course no one wants to play at like 03:00….

Let me say this – it was 98 degrees in the shade this evening and that is just crazy!

I ordered me some Home Depot stuff and also some Amazon stuff – nothing super amazing, but I always like getting my stuffs.

I am actually about to goto bed again.  At least lay down for a bit.  All the meds I take right now have the warning label about making you drowsy.