Day 60 – The Dog Day Evening

I got the best dog toy today!!!  Nickel absolutely loved it and I thought that I had tired him out but he can just keep going and going and going!!!  It was so much fun.  The only problem was that the other dogs were not able to play at the same time.  So tomorrow I am going to try to really tire him out and see if the others will play some.  Will have to take them out one at a time obviously :)

I also got a new date book today.  I absolutely love Moleskine books and that is what I got.  I just finished numbering the days so that I can know what day of days it is :)

Had a very productive day at work today.  I got tons of stuff done and it made me happy.  It has been hard to get motivated to do anything really so I just pushed myself and it came easy, felt like normal again.  I also went for a walk after work with one of the ladies on my floor and that was nice too.  I was hoping to start running today, but my foot is still hurting really bad.  I don’t think I mentioned it in the blog but it has been hurting since last Wednesday or so.  Bummer :(

Sorry it is so short, but I really need to go to be because I have been watching YouTube instead of doing this and now it is really late.

Alright – BYE!!!!!