Had to go downtown today for a couple meetings, but it was all very productive. I even got a great parking spot
On my way home I had to stop to find something for my mother for Valentine’s Day. My dad gave me $100 to spend on her and I did it with pennies change!!! I got her a bunch of Lego figures and a Panera gift card, oh and a card of course.
I got my last big package that I had ordered for my room, a storage bench. I can’t put it where it goes yet, but like I have been saying all week I hope to have that pretty well sorted this weekend.
I also must get to reading these books on training the dogs. The longer I wait the harder it is going to be – I know this!!
I got my mom’s stuff at Target and it has been a while since I really just walked through there. They have a lot of good stuff. It is a little expensive, but they have always had some cool accessories for the home. I was very impressed.
Dinner was chicken wings from Publix – can’t have much better of a day than that Goodnight