Day 25 – A Day Downtown

Today I went downtown to the office for the first time in 2016!!   There were 2 things that SHOCKED me today.  The first was that the parking garage was the fullest I have ever seen it and supposedly it has been like that all this year.  The second thing was how warm it was in the office.  Normally I am absolutely freezing in there and today I was so very hot!  But it was a good day today!  I fixed a couple mistake I had made on the road and I helped one of my two favorite users :)  I was supposed to help both, but had to postpone the other until tomorrow :)

Traffic was horrible on the way home because of all this construction, but not anything like Blanding, thankfully :)

The dogs were pretty good today.  I had two of the three go potty when I took them outside and the one didn’t go any of the times and she is the trouble maker with that.  So just about 20 minutes ago she went in the house :(

I am having a little bit of a hard time blogging today, I am not sure why.

I booked my flight for next week too, I hope it doesn’t snow on me in Kentucky!  I also ordered me some more crates for my room.  I am so very excited about that.  I should be getting them this week I think since I had ordered the other ones early in the week.  I am not sure when they will go up but maybe in a couple weeks I will have that project all done.  I have also ordered several things for the room.  A new bed, dresser, drills, and clothes :)

Alright, I am going to get the puppies outside one more time to see if they wanna go potty and then I am getting in bed!!  I am hoping to fall asleep kinda soon, but I am not betting on it.  GOODNIGHT!!!!