Day 22 – The Day That Was Delayed

I am currently sitting in the Indianapolis airport waiting for my flight to leave.  It was delayed about a half hour and we are now scheduled to leave in about 40 minutes.  This delay meant that I was going to miss my connection in Atlanta so I had to push that one back until 18:00.  I should have been leaving there at 14:45.  Not a huge deal, I just want to get home today :)

I FaceTimed with my mom for the first time today!  I think she really thought it was cool!

No snow here today, the delay was actually an issue with the plane so that is a good sign.  At the airport here they are running exercises, or were at least, with the bomb dog and I got all kinds of sniffed several times!  I was just happy he didn’t get slobber on me :)

OK, I am going to look online for stuff while I wait for this flight, just wanted to go ahead and get this started for the day!!

I finally made it home at 21:30!!  So happy to be home and those puppies were so happy to see me :)

I had a ton of packages waiting on me and tomorrow I am going to deal with them all – I hope :)