What a Railroading Week

This week was a big one for work.  We had so many people from all over the company down here in Jacksonville to do some training.  They were a really good group of people and I think that it all went really well.

We went to dinner one night, but I wasn’t able to really stay because I had a hair appointment which I was a little disappointed about, but you know how them hair appointments go – I LOVE THEM!!!!

Then last night we went to the HQ building and that actually turned out really great because 3 very important people in the signaling world were still there for the day and talked with the group for a good hour.  It was just really good timing, I was very happy.

After that we went to the landing to eat some dinner and then it got really fun!!  I had a bit too much to drink and was just laughing like I was a crazy person and having a great time.  It has been a long time since I had done that and it was much needed.  Like I said earlier, these were a great group of people and I couldn’t ask for better treatment from people who you just met (most of them I had just met this week).  They really took care of me, or maybe a better way to put it is watched out for me to make sure I was having a good time and staying out of harms way.

I wish I had taken like 1 picture to capture the moment, but to be honest I was really living in the moment – which is what we are supposed to do, right?

Great week overall and it has been a while since I could say that phrase!