10. Compromise

This one is basically giving and taking when it comes to the things that you like to do.  If you like to go to football games and your partner likes to go to musicals there should be a compromise there where each of you do the other’s activity as a sign of support.  You don’t have to love it, but you don’t have to make it painful either.  It is all about give and take.

I have always been one to do things that my partner wanted to do without really wanting to do it myself.  I think of it like this, I want to spend time with you it doesn’t much matter what we do.  Just need to remember that they have to do the same.  This is where I fail, I never really push the issue, if they don’t want to do it, I don’t do it – well no more.

Also, just for clarification this is not about being a bitch or difficult, I don’t think I am that kind of person, but this does mean that I won’t get lost or too dependent on another relationship – friendship or romantic, because it happens to me in both right now.